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We can not let these people take us. If they did they would sale us to the highest bidder, they wouldn't care if we're their rulers or not. They'd sooner kills us than allow us to take them.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Spinning around I saw that my oh so lovely cousin got himself captured.

Great this day just got alot better.....



"Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again, I'd say you should drop your weapons." A nasty little man spoke holding my husband's dagger against my idiot cousin's throat.
"Like a girl!?" Eustace cried outraged.
Sneering I dropped my sword to the floor, glaring at the dirty slave trader.
"Put them in irons!" He bellowed.
Biting back my snarl I allowed myself to but subdued. Because I know that even with my magic, I can't take these men on all by myself, at least not in my condition...
"Take these three to the market!" The ringleader smirked glancing me up and down. "I have a feeling, this one is going to fetch us a pretty penny, yeah?"
Snarling I spat in his face, causing him smack me across my face.
"You'll pay for that!" Caspian growled trying to lunge at him.
"No actually. Someone else is going to pay. For all of you." An older looking man smirked coming out of the shadows.
"No!" I cried trying to jerk away from the man holding me. "Caspian!"
"Freya! No, let me go! Freya!" I heard my husband call to me as I was dragged out of the building.
As they were chaining us to a wall in the court yard I heard people screaming.
"Mumm! Please! Mummy!"
"No let her go!"
I saw a man and young girl racing to catch a wagon that was filled with people. I watched as the man was beaten down to stop him.
"No! Stop!" I yelled, feeling my magic surge through me. Breaking my chains I summoned my sword before rushing off to help the poor man. Swinging my sword, I knocked back two of the men as I quickly helped the man to his feet.
"No stop," he yelled trying to go after the wagon again as more men surrounded us. "You can't do this!"
I wasn't paying close enough attention to the fight as I was trying to see what these men were doing with the people of this Island, and was disarmed and brought to my knees.
"I will find you!" The man called to his wife as he was restrained.
I was forced to watch as they loaded the people into a small boat and shoved them off into the sea.
Soon the skies darkened and thundered rumbled so loud it felt like the ground shook.
I screamed in terror as I witnessed the same dark mass of mist from my nightmare, raise up from the depths of the ocean and consume the innocent people of this village. I couldn't move. I was too shocked or too scared to.
I felt my body being jerked up and dragged but I couldn't find it in myself to fight back. I don't know what it was about the mist but, it was terrifying. I felt like I was back in my nightmare. I was completely helpless...
Soon myself, Lucy and Eustace were standing on a small platform in front of a crowd, we were being sold.
"The first runner up is this little lady," the dirty man smirked jerking my sister to the front.
"Sold!" He smirked putting a sign around her neck, before gripping my arm and pushing forward so hard I nearly fell.
"Sold!" The man behind me yelled nearly chocking me with the sign.
"Now for our final piece," he announced dragging Eustace forward. "This fine specimen. Now who would like to start the bidding?"
No one spoke out, instead looking at my young cousin as if he were diseased.
"Oh come on, I know he doesn't look like much. But he uh... he's strong!"
"Yeah he's strong alright."  Rynelf! Gasping, I looked up and searched the crowd looking for my crews-men. "Smells like the rear end of a Minotaur!"
Chuckles sounded through out the crowd causing Eustace's face to go red in anger and embarrassment.
"That is an outrageous lie!" He snapped in his nasally voice. "I won the school hygiene award two years running!"
"Come on then! Can someone please make a bid!"
"I'll take them off your hands!" Reepicheep! "I'll take them all off your hands!"
Drinian! Smirking I watched as our crew surged forward through the crowd.
"For Narnia!" They cheered. Using my magic once more I broke my chains and summoned my sword once more and rushed into the fray ready to put an end to these slave traders.
"Freya!" Spinning around I saw my husband rush to me, pushing past the fighting men. "Oh my, I was so worried!" He nearly cried pulling me into a kiss.
"No need, I'm a warrior. Remember?" I smirked kissing him again before returning to the fight.
Soon we had subdued all the slave traders and the villagers were cheering in happiness of being freed.
As we were making our way back to the shop the same man from earlier, who was trying to get to his wife, rushed forward.
"Your Majesties! Wait!" He called as Drinian got in his way.
"Stand down Drinian. This man means us no harm." I called stepping forward.
"My wife she was taken this morning." He chocked out. "I beg you. Please take me with you. So that I might find her."
"Daddy, I want to come with you." His daughter caught up.
"No, Gael. Stay with your aunt. I'm fine sailor. I've been on the seas my whole life." He pleaded looking between Caspian and myself.
"Of course. You must. It'd be an honor." I smiled.
"Thank you, your Majesty. Not just for this, but for earlier, when you tried to help free them. Your bravery is astonishing."
Continuing onward we came across an older man calling to Caspian holding what appeared to be a sword. But it was caked with dirt and stone.
"My King!" He called once more as he approached us. "Your father gave me this sword. I kept it safely hidden in the cave all these years."
"Wait a minute." I spoke stepping forward. "This is the an old Narnian sword."
"It's from the golden ages." He smiled. "Forged by the most respected and loved Queen Narnia ever knew. High Queen Freya. She forged seven of such sword with the help of Aslan. They were given to the seven most trusted nights in her court, to protect Narnia." He explained making me blush. I had never told anyone that. Not even my twin. Turning to my husband, Lord Bern, spoke again. "Your father, entrusted them to us. Here take it. And may it protect you."
"Thank you my Lord." Caspian spoke gently taking the sword from him as the crowd started cheering again. "And we shall find your lost citizens."
As we marched forward I heard Caspian call to my brother.
"Edmund." Looking back at them I watched as Caspian handed the old sword to him. Smiling, I turned back around and climbed abroad the long boat.
It's been a long day and I just can't wait to be back in bed...
"Can you please hurry. I don't want to be on this dreadful island anymore." I swear if Eustace doesn't shut it, I'm going to throw him overboard.

Reunited: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader~~Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now