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It's been exactly fourteen days since I told Lucy my secret. Fourteen days of utter misery as the seas where harsh and the storms terrible.
I constantly felt sick, sometimes to the point where I can't even get out of bed. Caspian was worried of course, but true to her word Lucy kept her mouth shut. But that didn't stop her from nagging me to tell him.
I just hope these storms stop soon, I don't know how much more I can bare...

"Freya..." Voices whispered
"Freya...come." Spinning around I tried to find the voice but I was alone in my quarters.
"Freya...over here! Freya!" Stopping I turned to see my reflection in the mirror except when I started walking my reflection stayed still and smiled at me.
"Hello Freya. We have so much to discuss." My reflection spoke.
"How else silly girl. Magic." Mirror me spoke gently.
"Why?" I was spoke baffled.
"We haven't much time. Soon you will be upon the dark island and we must be prepared."
"Do you really not know who I am to you? I have to say, I'm quite hurt. After all we've been connected over a thousand years."
"You're the Deep Magic of Narnia!" I gasped in realization. "But why now? Why here?"
"Because you're pregnant. The prophecy is coming true. Don't you remember.

"If you can believe or not, the tales of your arrival were being told long before even my time. It spoke of a beautiful young woman, with powers beyond imaging would stumble upon us, upon Narnia, in its greatest time of need. That she would end the evil that plagued our lands and restore Narnia to its former glory. But it also spoke of your four siblings." Aslan told me as we walked.

"There's more to this story, isn't there?" I questioned when the silence between became too much.

"Unfortunately, yes." He sighed as he got this faraway look in his eyes. "It also spoke of a marriage. And a child. Your child."


"Yes. Now I do. The first time my siblings and I arrived here, Aslan spoke of a prophecy, about my child. But he never got the chance to finish telling me what is was about..." I spoke.
"Tell me. What is this prophecy?"
"Born of magic. Born of light. Born from two world's alike. A son, a warrior of the Sun, shall slay our barriers. A daughter, A Seer shall protect our future. Both together shall unite a warring land and magics light. Bringing together the different worlds in peace. But beware for a poisonous being shall try to bring us utter darkness. Only when the five have reunited can it be destroyed."
"Two worlds..." I whispered. "The world I come from!? My children are supposed to connect our worlds!? But, how is that possible!?"
"I don't know for sure. But I know that this prophecy has been written since before even Aslan himself existed." I watched as Magic's eyes widened and she screamed. "Wake up! Freya wake up! It's here!"

Shooting up, I gasped for air as I saw the last bits of the mist leaving my room. I pushed myself out of bed and noticed Lucy standing in front of the fire.
"Lu." Turning to me she gave me a watery smile. "Lucy, it's just the mist. It's been here and I think I know where it's going next."
Grabbing her hand we quietly and quickly rushes to the below deck where the crew men slept.
I saw Ed pull his sword from it's sheath and hold it out to the air, as if defending himself from an invisible force.
"Ed." I whispered gaining attention.
"Girls." He whispered in relief. "What are you doing down here?"
"We couldn't sleep." Lucy answered as she sat at the end of his hammock while stood beside him.
Just then the thunder rumbled again startling Caspian awake.
"Let me guess. Bad dreams." Ed stated looking over at my husband who beckoned me with his hand. Moving to his side, Caspian was quick to wrap his arms around my waist and bury his head in my chest.
"So either we're all going mad..." Ed started.
"Or something's playing with our minds." I finished.

Reunited: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader~~Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now