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Just as we were getting into position, the dragon emerged from the island and came for us.
Everything was going to fast! The dragon nearly broke the mast and nearly drowned itself trying to get away from us. Why is it flying away from us if it's trying to kill us!?
I screamed as the dragon swooped back towards the ship and jerked me up with it into the air.
"Freya!" I could no longer see anyone as the dragon was taking me towards the island but I saw they were still trying to take down the dragon as their arrows whizzed passed.
"Stop!" I heard Lu yell. " Stop you idiots you could hurt Freya!"
I felt the vomit raising as the dragon dodged the mountains and swooped through the air.
"Oh you have got to be joking!" I gasped when I saw what was written in fire.

"I am Eustace"

Now, I really did throw up.
Soon we were all back on the island as  we sat with Eustace who was trying to get this golden cuff off.
"Eustace must've been tempted by the treasure." I spoke as I helped him remove the cuff.
"Everyone knows that dragon's treasure is enchanted. Well, anyone from here." Caspian corrected himself when Eustace gave him a look.
"Is there any way to change him back?" Edmund asked me.
"If there is a way, I would need my grimoire, but I unfortunately left it back at the castle. To keep it safe." I explained placing my hand on Eustace's scaley arm.
"Aunt Alberta will not be pleased." Edmund groaned causing Eustace to huff.
"Sorry about the hand, old boy." Reepicheep laughed nervously. "I can be a little overzealous at times."
"The boats are ready your Majesty." Travos called.
"We can't leave him." I stated. "Besides, I can't handle another boat ride back, right now."
"We can't bring him aboard your Majesty." Drinian spoke looking at me gently.
"Drinian, you and the others take one boat back." Caspian ordered. "The rest of us will stay till morning, then we'll figure out what to do."
"But you've no provisions and no means of staying warm." Rhince stated worried.
Eustace looked upset for a moment before he got and idea and breathed fire at a branch.
"You were saying?" Reepicheep smiled, causing us all to laugh as Eustace smacked his mouth like it felt weird, which it probably did, before giving us a proud smile.
Just as Caspian stepped towards me, Eustace growled protectively. Confusing us.
"Eustace?" I questioned, making him look at me. "What's wrong?"
Eustace looked at me before lowering his head and nudging my stomach lightly.
He knows!!!???
But how?
"Eustace..." I whispered. "It's okay." I smiled shakely. "Please."
Lowering his head Eustace nudges me softly as if to apologise.
Caspian slowly approached me, still utterly confused, and wrapped me in his arms.
"Should I ask?" He whispered in my ear as everyone was setting up camp.
"What do you mean?" I questioned innocently.
"Freya...come on. I know you're hiding something. You've been acting strange for weeks. What's going on?" Caspian pleaded. "And please, don't lie to me."
Sighing I knew I had to tell me. This has gone on long enough.
"I..." Breathing in I tried again. "I'm pregnant."
"W-what?" He chocked out, making me flinch. "Why didn't you tell me!? Did you know before coming on this voyage!? When were you planning to tell me!? Or was you just going to keep silent until your belly started to!?"
"Stop it!" Lucy yelled at him.
"Stay out of this!" Caspian snapped.
"No. Freya is my sister! And she's been beating herself up about since the moment she found out! Which was after you all set sail! Freya didn't tell you because she was scared you'd hate her if something happened to the baby while on this trip. She was terrified that if she distracted you with this you'd abandoned your mission! So just stop being such an entitled arse and grow up!" Lucy snapped grabbing my hand and dragging me away from him as my tears fell down my face.
I knew this would happen. He's never going to forgive me...
That night, instead of sleeping next to my husband, I slept by Gael and Lucy.

Laughter? My eyes fluttered open as I searched for my husband and siblings. Wait a minute...
I'm back in the time of the White Witch! At the camp settlement where we first met Aslan. Spinning around I saw myself dancing with the little children who had come along with their parents. I remember this.
This is was also the day I saved Edmund.
"You were so young then." Turning to my side, I saw him. Aslan.
"I've missed you Aslan." I whispered as tears filled my eyes.
"As I have you, my little lioness." He smiled walking pass me. "Come we have much to discuss."
Rushing after him, I couldn't help but wonder where he was taking me.
Walking in silence I nearly fainted seeing where we were.
The Stone Table.
Before we were sacrificed.
"Do you remember what happened that day?" He started as we stood before it.
"Of course. How could I ever forget." I whispered. "I can still feel her blade in my heart."
"Do you remember what happened after?"
"You mean, when we defeated Jadis?"
"No. I mean when we were dead. Our souls left our bodies. We went somewhere else. Do you remember?"

Before I had a chance to reply Lucy was waking us up.
"It's the Blue Star." She cheered as we climbed to our feet.
"Come on, old boy, wake up." Reepicheep smiled as he lightly tapped Eustace awake.
As we were packing up the boat to head back to the ship I noticed Caspian was completely ignoring me. Biting back tears, I ignored the conversations going on around me.
I never should have told him.
Climbing onto the ship I noticed it was Drinian who helped me step down instead of Caspian. Now feeling angered by his complete and utter ignorance and his damn selfishness I stormed pass him purposely butted shoulders with him as I went to the Captain's cabin to stand out on the balcony.
"What was that!?" An angry Caspian snapped. But I didn't say anything. This was on him. My pregnancy was an accident, and I have been dealing with the stress of it and this mission and making sure Caspian stayed safe and on task. But what does he do!? He gets angry at me! Blames me!
Ignores me...
Something we had promised to never do.
And yet, it was so easy for him to break it.
"Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment right now." He snarled.
"Go away!" I finally snapped.
"Excuse me!?"
"Go away! Go on, go! Leave me. I know that's what you want isn't it! I mean its why you tried to leave me back at the castle, why you'd prefer to sleep in a crowd area than with me, your wife! It's why you're so upset about this pregnancy! And Don't lie and say that you're happy because I know you're not." I cried as I finally let out my insecurities. "Even when you were trying to process it, there no initial love or happiness in your eyes. No there was anger. Anger and venom. You don't want me or this baby. I used to think that you'd be happy but a little pissed that I didn't tell you immediately, but now...now I see I was wrong. The mist was right wasn't it. You realized that you married the wrong sister. After all Susan's the better one right!? The more beautiful one! The smarter one?" I sobbed.
"Get out!" I screamed jerking away from him. "Leave me alone..." I sobbed turning my back to him.
I heard him sigh and the balcony door click closed.
I fell to the floor as my heart broke into a million pieces.
Was the mist right? Does he love Susan and not me?

Reunited: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader~~Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now