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"Caspian, Edmund! It's Lucy's dagger." I called as I picked it up. Sharing glances, we quickly started to advance forward but was stopped by spears hitting into the ground around us.
"Stop right there or perish!" I deep gravely voice sneered, before knocking me back.
I gasped in pain as I hit the ground hard. Caspian was by my side instantly as these invisible creatures started turning out own swords against us.
"What are you!?" Edmund snapped.
"We're big creatures with the head of a tiger and the body of uhh..."
"A different tiger." Another one spoke up.
"Yeah. A different tiger. You don't want to mess with us."
Wait, looking up I noticed that these creatures were starting to become visible to us.
They were trying to sound scary but I nearly chocked on my laughter when I saw just what they looked like. They were actually quite small but had huge feet, or um, foot and huge bellies.
"And I'll bite you with my fangs!"
"Don't you mean you'll crush us with your fat bellies?" Edmund chuckled.
"Tickle us with your toes?!" I giggled hysterically as Caspian pulled me up.
Realizing that they were visible again they freaked out and dropped one another.
"Now. What have you down with our sister you little pipsqueak!?" Ed sneered putting his sword to one of their necks.
"Now, calm down."
"Where is she!?" I snapped, feeling my magic pulsing through me.
"You better tell them!"
"Tell 'em, Chief."
"She's in the mansion." Their, Chief??? Answered.
"What mansion?" Ed snapped confused.
"Ed..." I called to him as I witnessed a mansion materialize right before my eyes.
"Oh...that mansion." He smirked lightly. Pushing his head lightly, I turned and walked to my husband.
"You know, I'm getting tried of you all leaving me behind!"
That explains why it was so quiet. We forgot Eustace!
"It's the pig!" One of the creatures called making me giggle into Caspian's chest.
"The pigs come back!"
"This place just keeps getting weirder and weirder!" Eustace gasped.
"Him calling us weird?"
I smirked and watched as the creatures got offended.
"The oppressor!" The creatures squeaked and started tripping over themselves in fear.
"Your Majesties." A man beside our sister bowed.
"Lucy." Ed and I breathed.
"Freya, Caspian, and Edmund. This is Coriakin. This is his island." Lucy explained.
"That's what he thinks." Chief pipped up. "You have wronged us magician."
"I have not wronged you. I made you invisible for your own protection."
The creatures started to calling him an a oppessor.
"I have not oppressed you. Now be gone." Coriakin spoke again throwing something in their direction, scaring them.
"What was that?" I questioned.
"Lint." He smirked mischiefly. "But don't tell them that."
I giggled as Eustace came up to us.
"What were those things?" He questioned.
"Right. Silly me." Eustace stated sarcastically.
Following Coriakin into his mansion I started to question him.
"What did you mean you made them invisible to protect them?"
"It seemed the easiest way to protect them from the evil."
"You mean the mist?" Edmund asked.
"I mean what lies behind the mist." Coriakin corrected.
Stepping into his library, I was in awe of the starry night sky that was cast on the ceiling.
Hearing something unravel behind me I turned and saw Coriakin had thrown down a 3D illusion map.
"It's quite beautiful." Eustace whispered. "I mean for a make-believe map of a make-believe world." He huffed when he caught my siblings and I smiling at him.
"Here is where your problems lie. Dark island. A place where evil lurks." Coriakin spoke as the map moved and showed us an island of complete and utter darkness. "It can take any form. It can make your darkest dreams come true. It seeks to corrupt all steal light from this world."
"How do we stop it?" I asked grasping my husband's hand.
"Don't you know?" Coriakin questioned me, coming closer. "You must break it's spell. Using the swords you and Aslan forged all those many years ago."
"Have you seen them?" Ed spoke up.
"Yes." Coriakin turned to him.
"The six Lords?" Caspian called. "You've seen them?"
"Where were they headed?" I asked.
"Were I sent them." Coriakin spoke as he made the map move again. "To break the spell, you must follow the blue star. To Ramandu's Island." He stated starring me in the eyes. "The power with which you forged these seven swords will be released there, but only when all seven swords have been placed on Aslan's table. But beware, you are all about to be tested."
"Tested?" I questioned.
"Until you lay down the seventh sword, evil has the upper hand. The evil will tempt you. To darken you." Coriakin answered before setting his sights on Lucy. "Be strong. Don't fall to temptation."  Turning back to me, Coriakin let his eyes fall to my stomach briefly before meeting my eyes. "To defeat the darkness, you must first defeat the darkness in yourselves."
I felt myself pale as I realized that, some how, some way, that he knew. He knew my secret and knew how I felt.
He was warning me that the darkness could and would use this against me.
After collecting some supplies we all went back to the ship.
"Freya," turning I saw Lucy jogging to up to me. "Is everything okay? You haven't said two words to anyone since we left the island."
Looking around to make sure my husband was distracted, I grabbed Lucy's hand and pulled her into our room.
"Freya, come on, you're starting to scary me."
"Lu, what I'm about to tell can not be repeated. Especially to Caspian. Do you understand?"
"Of course. I swear I won't tell a soul."
Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady my nerves.
"I... I'm pregnant."
"Oh my God! Freya that's great news!" Lucy smiled.
"No Lu, it's not." I sighed sitting down on the bed.
"What do you mean?"
"If Caspian found out, he'd never forgive me." I whispered.
"Caspian would be excited Freya. He loves you and wants to have a family with you. Why would you think that?"
"Look at where we are! He begged me to stay at the castle but I refused because I didn't want to be without him. I was selfish. And now, I've put our unborn child at risk." I cried.
"Did you know back then?" Lucy questioned as she wrapped her arms around me.
"What?" I sobbed confused.
"Did you know that you were pregnant? Before you started this trip?"
"No but-"
"No buts. You didn't know Freya. It was accident, you can't blame yourself for not knowing. Besides, it's entirely possible that it happened on the ship." She smiled.
Slumping into her arms, I felt a bit of weight lift from my shoulders. Because she was right. This wasn't my fault.
But the fear still remained.
What if Caspian doesn't believe me? What if he doesn't want it?
All I know is right now, he doesn't need to know.
He has enough on his plate.

Reunited: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader~~Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now