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After hours of isolation I finally decided to go back up to the deck.
"If I get any hungrier, I'm going to eat that dragon." One of the crewmen hissed to his partner.
"Don't worry Eustace!" Reepicheep stated sitting on top of his head. "They'd have to deal with me first."
"Get in line." I called up, startling everyone.
"Your Majesty..." The crewmen gasped looking petrified. "I was...I was only joking."
"I'm sure you were." I hummed sarcastically. "Get back to work."
But soon we were all startled as a huge force rocked the ship so hard it sent people flying to the ground.
"Go Eustace!" I cheered as wat he's him pulling us as fast he could through the waters.
"Drinian." I called walking up to him. "Where's Caspian?"
"He's below deck, your majesty. With King Edmund."
Nodding my thanks, I head off to find my husband so we could talk properly. I had overreacted, yes, but so did he. And if we want any chance of fixing us then we need to communicate.
"What are you saying Caspian?" I heard Ed's voice. I stopped for a moment to listen, I never heard my brother sound so angry and sad before.
"Look Edmund, I love Freya yes, but here recently, I... I don't even know how to this properly, I am starting to think that maybe I'm not IN love with her. Which is why I got so angry. It's also why I didn't want her on this voyage. I wanted time away from her to sort this out but Freya's pregnant and hurt." I heard Caspian speak sounding stressed out and angry. "When I married her I thought she was the one. Freya was unlike anyone I had ever met. She made me feel alive but the feelings we first had, for me, there gone. And they've been gone for alittle more than a year. I wanted to separate from her completely but with this child, now everything is complicated."
Chocking back sobs, I nearly busted in there to let him have it...but turns out I didn't have to.
"You're worse than Susan!" Edmund snapped. "How could you do this to her!? Freya loves you more than anything else, and all you can of is that she is a complication to your perfect life! When you married her, you promised to love, cherish and protect her. Forever! You made a MAGICAL COMMITMENT! Do you know what that means!? You are bonded with her forever. Until one of you is dead. This isn't some marriage that you can divorce out of and be done. Freya is connected to the Deep Magic of Narnia you fool!" Edmund growled. "You knew this! You knew when you married that she was it. Unless you're telling me you're more like your pathetic uncle than you'd like to admit!? What, were you going to poison her? Suffocate her in her sleep? Or just make her miserable and wish she were dead by having a mistress!?"
"Then what Caspian!?" Ed snapped. "Because you've ruined her life. And you're acting as if you didn't do anything wrong."
It was silent for so long I nearly left but then I heard a quiet sigh.
"I know you don't understand. How could you, you've never been married or in love. Things change. I've changed." Caspian whispered.
"You're feelings didn't have to." Ed snapped.
Not being able to take anymore I fled back to the deck where I was stunned into silence as I saw...
Caspian and Edmund!
They were speaking with Reepicheep. But how!
Caspian must've felt my presence as he turned to look at me, his face falling as he saw my tear stained and panicked face.
I saw him tap Edmund shoulder, and saw them look my way but, I couldn't face them. Something is happening to me. The Mist, it's targeting me.
And I can't trust myself right now. Just as I attempted to make a run to my room, Caspian caught my arm.
"Can we talk?" He whispered as if I'm pain.
But I couldn't. No, I can't.
"NO!" I screamed in fear jerking away from him as his face melted into the White Witch Jadis. "This isn't real!" I cried trying back away from everyone as they came closer.
Spinning around I saw not my crew but all of HER followers.
Everything started to spin, and I couldn't breathe.
Make it stop, I prayed. I tried to call out for Caspian but it's like I lost all  control over my body. Like I lost myself.
And then everything went dark.


I heard someone scream and rushed up to find Edmund and Caspian kneeling by my sister as she clutched her head and sobbed.
She kept begging for Caspian to help her and saying that this wasn't real.
"Is she alright?" Gael asked scared.
Just as I was about to answer Freya went limp and slumped forward.
She passed out.
As everyone crowded around to make sure their Queen was okay I saw sliver of green mist seep out her mouth.
"It was the mist." I called.
Caspian quickly turned to me in shock.
"Are you sure?"


"Freya...." Opening my eyes I noticed that I was in my cabin alone. The mirror!
Rushing forward I saw my mirror self smile at me.
"Well at least you're finally getting used to me." The Deep Magic spoke.
"I can't tell what's real or what's a dream anymore. I'm just so tired all the time." I sobbed putting my hand against the mirror me.
"I know love. I know. That's why I'm here. Why I've always been here."
"What do you mean?" I croaked as I attempted to dry my tears.
"Through out the years, when you started to feel particularly alone, I was here. Just waiting until you needed me the most."
"Kind of like a mom?" I suggested.
"I guess so." She smiled.
"Why do always appear as a reflection? What do you really look like?" I asked curious.
"All in good time." Mirror me smirked. "But right now, I will tell you, that Caspian, he's in love with you. What you heard below deck, that was the mist. You let it in when you let your fear, your doubt, get in the way. It used it against you."
"But why does it feel like it's targeting me?"
"Because it is."
"The Mist can sense power. Your power. And it's scared. So it's trying to destroy you before you have a chance to fight back."
"How do I fight back?"
"By trusting in the people you love and who love you."

Gasping I shot up. Trying to catch my breath I realized Caspian was asleep next to me. Holding me.
Just like he used to...
Maybe the Deep Magic is right. Maybe he really does love me...

Reunited: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader~~Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now