Funny Seeing You Here

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Right after the app downloaded, she spent an ample amount of time setting up her profile which was honestly super tedious for her. She probably spent the most time trying to figure out what picture to set as her profile picture. In the end, she opted for a simple selfie she took herself wanting to dissociate herself from her idol image even just a little bit.

After what seemed like hours, she completed setting up her profile and went through the tutorial. As she was exploring the app, she clicked the icon that resembled a flame. Her eyes widened in surprise. So this is where it starts.

She got herself comfortable on her couch and began swiping. If Hwasa was being completely honest, she was kind of enjoying this process. Her eyes were met with celebrities she both knew personally and have never met before. It was refreshing that other celebrities were using this outlet to mingle with other celebrities. It felt like she was in a safe space, free of judgement.

Hwasa lets out a hearty laugh when she sees Sunghoon oppa's profile in the mix. She decides to make him flustered by swiping right. They've both gotten a lot closer since meeting in ILA. Kinda like a sibling type of relationship. Hwasa would be lying if she didn't find the older attractive, but for the sake of keeping things professional she made the executive decision to not act on it. Still, it was fun to see him squirm under her teasing tactics. She was sure to hear an ear full from him soon about how she needs to be careful on this app and make sound judgements.

She swipes right to only a few people. All musicians. Music is a big part of her life after all and even though she was supposed to leave her work life out of this, sharing music with someone was one of the best feelings. It was a different kind of connection.

All of a sudden she gets a notification.

"It's a match!" The screen reads. She sits up, eyes focused, shoulders hunched over, cradling her phone in her hands. Before she can even register whose profile picture it was, she is redirected to a chat. She clicks around and she sees the name.

She gasps and throws her phone to the other side of the couch, it suddenly becoming red hot in her hands. She's frozen and her heart is thumping in her chest. She knew that this was bound to happen, she was bound to be matched with someone. But she didn't think it would be him. She swiped right because she had always respected the latter. She loved his music, both solo and group. He was definitely attractive to her. To think that he may share the same sentiments for her made her heart warm.

Never did she think that he'd be interested in her though. It makes her wonder if he also followed her activities and kept up with what she was working on like she did him. She decides not to think too much into it though. Besides, she promised herself that she wouldn't take this too seriously. She realistically didn't expect to find forever on this app. She truly just wanted to have fun and meet people.

Her internal monologue was interrupted by another sound from her phone. She exhales a breath she didn't realize she was holding and gets up to retrieve her phone. She plops back down on the couch and opens the chat.

Kim Namjoon: Hey Hyejin. Funny seeing you on this app :)

Hwasa smiles at the use of her real name. They've met a handful of times, mostly back stage at award shows. In their early debut days, both of their respective groups were actually pretty close. They really didn't think much of each other then but at the very least, both groups got to actually converse with each other. But as years passed and both groups began gaining more traction and fame, that closeness was short lived. Their communication now consisted of 90 degree bows and short greetings.

Ahn Hyejin: i can say the same abt yoiu. how are you?

They chatted for awhile, catching up on trivial things. Hwasa enjoyed the conversation and it seemed like Namjoon did too. Mid chat they decided to exchange numbers and call each other instead, much to Hwasa's relief, as she profusely apologized for all her typos. She was notorious for making typos due to her long nails.

Namjoon dismissed her concerns and said that calling would be easier anyway. He also added that her nails suited her. Hwasa smiled at that.

However, the conversation started to take an unexpected turn as Namjoon suggested they play "20 Questions." The other is to ask any question they wanted and nothing was off limits. The receiver of the question is to answer truthfully. Hwasa agreed to the terms not knowing how far Namjoon would go...


A/N: Hi friends! I know I said I would update weekly but I had the urge to write again today! Things might start getting a little spicy. Just a little, maybe like 2x spicy. Next part will likely be told from Namjoon's POV so we can see what's going on in that intellectual head of his. Hope you're enjoying this so far! 

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