The Morning After

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Morning shown through the blinds causing Hwasa to stir awake. Opening her eyes slowly, her gaze fixes to the window beside her bed, she stares out as the pitter patter of the rain hits the glass. The air was cold and it didn't help that she was still naked following last night activities. Her body was exhausted but also at ease and content. Hwasa was able to conclude that last night was one of the best nights she's had in awhile. It was full of so much romance and overflowing passion that recollecting the events in her mind makes her shiver with pleasure. She smiles at the thought of Namjoon being the one to ignite such fiery emotions within her. If she were being honest, it was something she was lacking in her life at the moment. Yes, she was living her dream of being a successful singer and performer but to be able to share such intimate moments with someone special was a whole different feeling. 

When Namjoon told her that he wanted more than just a one night fling, she was doing somersaults and backflips in her head. She was so relieved to hear that the feelings were at the very least mutual. She doesn't know where this is going to go, but what she does know is that he wants to go along for the ride and find out. She knew that they would have to have a more serious conversation about it soon but they'll deal with it in time. 

She stretches her body from head to toe in attempt to wake up her sore limbs. Goosebumps break out on her body due to the overwhelming cold and she has to pull the covers tighter around her. But what also didn't help was that she was alone in bed. Once she was able to register her surroundings, she took notice of the now empty spot beside her. Her stomach began to churn. She looks frantically around her room for a sign that he is still here, but his clothes that were previously strewn across the floor were now gone. 

Hwasa feels her throat constrict, hot tears threatening to well up in her eyes, but she tries to remain calm. She checks her phone on the nightstand beside her but she only sees a text message from Wheein and a notification from Celebrity Tinder indicating she had matched with someone. How ironic. She laughs dryly, but couldn't be bothered to check who it was because something within her said that Namjoon wouldn't just stand her up like this. She stands up from bed wrapping her blanket around her small frame and crosses the room to head for her bathroom/ closet. She decides to freshen up before she jumped to conclusions. It was too early in the day for that.

Even so, as she went about her morning routine, her mind couldn't help but wonder if she had been too naive. As much as she tried to push those thoughts away, they kept overwhelming her. Did Namjoon just want to get in her pants? Did he realize after they fucked that she wasn't all that attractive? Was she just another name to add onto his list? Was his confession of wanting something more all a lie? The relentless questions bombarded her already fragile mind. She mentally berates herself for even downloading the stupid app to begin with. She was always into old school type of love anyway and should have opted to just meet some random stranger at a coffee shop or bookstore instead of putting her heart on the line on social media. 

She makes her way to her small living room and makes a point to scan the room for anything... a sign, a note, any indication that he didn't just leave her after taking from her. But there was none. 

She plops herself down onto her couch, clutching her phone in her hand. She contemplates calling him, to give him a piece of her mind... to simply ask where the hell he'd gone to and if he ever intended on letting her know. But she was afraid she would falter and sound too desperate. She's not his girlfriend, so she felt like she didn't have a right. She sighs. She was used to this... men taking from her and not being able to reciprocate.. But why was it hurting so much now? Maybe because she so willingly bared her soul and body to Namjoon and was under the illusion that he wanted her just as much as she did. He did a damn good job of convincing her so. But she guesses she was wrong.

A couple days pass and Hwasa still doesn't hear from Namjoon. Her heart ached more and more with each passing day without a text or call from him. There were times where she would be so angry at him, but after she was always left being disappointed in him and also disappointed in herself for feeding into his sweet talk. At least now she knows where she really stands. He never took her or their potential relationship seriously. She knows that now.


The morning after she and Namjoon had sex, she had called Wheein who had left her a message asking how the date went. 

2 rings in and Wheein already answered. "Hyejin-ah!! How did the date go? Should I be expecting Namjoon oppa to be around often now?!"

Wheein answered the call with so much hope and excitement that it brought Hwasa to tears. She wanted nothing more than to celebrate good news with her best friend, but strangely life never really goes how you plan it. Hwasa sobs into the phone and pours her heart out to Wheein, who is now raging in anger, completely flabbergasted at how Namjoon oppa could be so callous and careless. Not long after, Wheein shows up to Hwasa's apartment with several bottles of soju and snacks in tow. They drank all day and night. It was as if Hwasa poured all her tears into her shot glass. She knocked back shot after shot until her throat burned, but she convinced herself that nothing could hurt more than what Namjoon had done to her.

She thinks back to that dreadful day thanking her lucky stars for her best friend. Wheein had been so comforting and supportive the past couple of days. She constantly was checking on her whenever she could. She often jokes about how she wishes Wheein was a man, but this time she means it. Wheein is her soulmate, her perfect half personified. If only I were into girls. 

Hwasa is tidying up her living room as she waits for the older too arrive. Wheein said she would come over today so they could have a movie night. Hwasa was excited because she loved watching movies. But yet her excitement was tinged with underlying sadness.

Her doorbell rings and she bolts to the door. She whips the door open with a huge smile on her face about to chastise Wheein for being late. But the smile is quickly replaced with a scorn.

His hair is disheveled, clothes mismatched and in disarray. His eyes are bloodshot. It is as if he had just been crying. He looked... so small at that moment. Very unlike the confident, headstrong leader she had initially met. The look of him almost made her heart sink. It almost compelled her to throw her arms around him and melt into his embrace. Almost. 

Coming back to her senses, she scoffs at him and is about to slam the door on his face. But Namjoon's shoe blocks the door before it closes. She looks at him with an expression that he can only describe as a mixture of disbelief, anger, and pain. His heart twists in his chest at the mess he'd made.

"Please let me in, Hyejin. I can explain. Please."


A/N: What up peeps! I intended for this fic to be full of fluff and happy fairytale moments but I decided that I wanted more drama. So here it is! What could be Namjoon's reason for leaving our Hyegi hanging? Should Hyejin even hear him out... let alone forgive him? Will she have to use the app again? o.o We shall seeeeeeeee

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