Author's Note: Not a chapter, but good news

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Hi guys! So I read over the fic and I realize how abruptly I ended things. Truthfully I was starting to grow tired of the storyline so my lazy self just wanted to end it and start something else... 😅 kekeke. After reading my own story, I was left feeling a bit unsatisfied as I imagine some of you might be. BUT with that being said, I have decided to drag out the fic a few more chapters for the purposes of keeping the whole story cohesive. No new groundbreaking plots but we'll be able to get a sense of Namjoon and Hwasa's relationship after reconciling. 

Hope that's good news to you guys and we can finish the fic just as strong as we started it. Expect a couple more chapters soon :3 Thanks as always for all your support and feedback! It's my first fic so all the engagement has been very motivating! 



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