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Me and Alex looked down at the clone and picked him up. He was shivering violently and mumbling. He dropped him onto the couch and Slender preformed some random spell to make him wake up. As he woke up, he panted heavily and looked around, as if he woke from a terrible nightmare. "Whoa there pal, take it're safe here." I told him that so he would calm down. Surprisingly, it worked. " I...?" He asked me shakily. "You're in the mansion...what's your name?" I saw him stop and just state for a moment. "I....I don't k-know..." He said, still in a shaky tone. "Well, I'll just call you...Crowley for now." He nodded, liking the name. Alex then pricked a needle into his arm, to which he responded with a wince. She smiled "There you go...that should help with any pain or distortion you felt." Crowley rubbed his eyes, looking at her "Thanks...where am I?" He asked curiously, with a hint of frieght. I cleared my throat "The Slender're my clone." His eyes widened "What?! Where is that?!" Alex put a hand on his shoulder "Calm down. Don't you remember any of this?" He shook his head frantically "No! I don't know any of you!" He looked at Alex, who was curiously looking at him "But you know me...I heard you say my name." He nodded "Yeah, of course I do...we were childhood friends!" She squinted her eyes and sighed deeply "It's as I're imperfect." I looked at her "What does that mean exactly?" She looked at me "He's like you, but something went wrong. He doesn't have all your knowledge and even abilities." I sighed deeply "Fuck..." At that moment, Slenderman walked in and looked at the clone. "You and James, come here.." He and I nodded, getting up and walking to him. He looked at my clone "Follow him, as he will explain everything. After your tour, you will be taken to my office. Is this clear?" We both nodded and I walked out the door with him. We began to walk around the rooms and corridors. I showed him each and every room, which he took intrest. He listened to every detail, which scared me a bit. Soon, we got to Slenderman's office. I opened the door and he walked in. "See you later, I guess.." I said, walking out and closing the door.

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