Under the Influence

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I started walking down the hall, to the

stairs. I walked down them,wanting to make a sandwich for myself. When I approached the kitchen,I saw Ben and Jeff drinking at the table. They looked up at me and smiled. "Hey James." I heard jeff say to me. I smiled and walked to the table. "Hey guys." I hugged them both,considering them brothers. Well,immature highchool brothers. I tried my best to be the mature one. "Hey James, want a drink?" Ben said,holding a bottle up to me. I shook my head,pushing it away. "Nah,I'm good. I don't drink." I said,which Ben and Jeff rolled their eyes to. "Come on James,just and few sips." Jeff said,holding jt back up to me. I sighed and took it,taking the class off. "You only live once..."I muttered. I lifted the bottle up to my lips,but instead of a small sip,I took a large gulp. After a mere three seconds,thw whole bottle was empty. I put the bottle down on the table,already stumbling. "What was that...?" I asked,nearly puking. Jeff and Ben looked at me with a slight smirk. "It's a mix of the heaviest drinks possible." My eyes widened,but I soon began to feel....good. like someone lifted the worries off my shoulders. Soon,we all began to drink more and more. This went on for hours,until we were all sitting on the couch,talking. "James,what is love?" Jeff asked me. I sighed and looked at him. "Jeff, love is like...imagine Nutella with toasted cinnamon bread..." I said to him. They both chuckled at me. "James,you're drunk." I shook my head instantly. "Nuh uh! You are!" I nearly yelled. We all began to argue over who was drunk. But the something happened. I began to get drowsy. I felt my eyelids start to close. I passed out on the couch.

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