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I followed James to a small room, already filled with stuff. "It's stuff I know you'd like, as we're pretty much the same." I chuckled and responded with "Even though I'm your clone, it doesn't mean we're alike." He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, leaving me to be alone. I began to think of what was in that jar, but I didn't have the knowledge of my counter part. I sighed and just jumped onto my bed, falling asleep.


I woke up hours later, silently getting up. Thanks to a dream I had, I made up a plan to get that jar. I slowly twisted my door's handle, then gently pushed the door. I began to slowly walk down the hall, heading towards Slenderman's office. As I approached it, I put my ear to the door. All I heard was the lonely sound of silence. I opened the door and went inside, heading to the part of the rug where the cracked board was. As I got to it, I kneeled down and do peeled back the rug, exposing the board. With haste, I pried the board open, making a slight creak noise. I reached down and grabbed it, seeing the jar in my hand. Upclose, the jar was disturbing. The contents seemed to be of fleshy, shadowy evil. Like something you'd expect Satan to have. I began to hear evil voices in my head telling me to open it. I fought the urge to and put the board back, as well as the rug. I then walked to my room, and as I got inside, locked the door. I sat on my bed, finally opening the jar. I held some of the contents in my hand, which made a sudden urge to devour it appear. It was near unbearable, so I began to eat the contents. It taste horrible, and left a Greta burning sensation. As I ate it, I noticed great changes. My skin was becoming smoke like, with a black haze. I even began to notice a red glow from my eyes and my teeth become that of a sharks. I began to get thoughts and feeling within my head. They were dark and no evil thoughts. "This feels great!" I said, with a. Creepy voice with an after effect like an echo. I began to see a demon appear in my head. "Hello, child." It said, grinning at me. I looked at my vision and laughed "Hello!" I got up, looking at it. I felt it touch me, which sent memories that we not if my own. I saw memories of death and evil. I had memories of a pure evil entity, one of which I named myself after. "I am Azreal, prince of evil!"

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