Symbiotic Relations

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I woke up, slowly opening my eyes. I sat up,looking around slightly. I was in my room, on my bed. I looked at my shirt. There was blood on it. Usually people would be afraid or freak out, but I've grown used to it's sight. HABIT uses my as a tool for his killing. I sighed and got up off the bed,yawning and stretching. I looked out my window. It was still dark. I got up,walking out my door of the bedroom. I walked down the hall,and into the living room. I was headed for Alex's room,but couldn't go jn the conventional way. I was grounded from seeing her by slendy. I knew Hoodie or Toby would snitch on me if I knocked on her door. So I opened the door,going outside. I looked aorund for her window. I spotted it nearly instantly. I decided to go to it and grabbed a ledge like thing on the wall. I started to climb up it,headed for her window. I felt strong and energized, like I usually did at night. I reached her window and gave it a slight tap. she didn't wake up,so I tapped again. This time a bit harder. I saw her stir slightly,but not enough to wake her. I finally tapped rapidly and very roughly. She finally got up and looked at me. She was slightly shocked to see me,but got up and walked to the window. She opened it up and looked down at me. "James, what on earth are you doing here?" I heard her whisper. I smiled and slowly crawled in,so I wouldn't lose my footing.  "I came to see you,Alex." I saw the smile on her face as I came in,as she then hugged me. My instant reaction was to hug back. We held each other for a few seconds,then let go. She then looked up at me and still had her smiled. "Well,I came there something you need?" I nodded instantly and thwn held out my arm. "I need you to do a DNA scan on me. You should see something interesting." She tilted her head. "What do you mean?" I rolled my eyes, "Just take my DNA." She nodded and grabbd a knife. I winced as she cut into my flesh, drawing blood. She thwn put the blood on a sampling tray and pulled a microscope and another device. She looked at  blood for. A few minutes,before turning to me. "That's not your normal's mixed." I nodded, as I crossed my arms. "Yeah,I noticed myself. That's not the question at hand. I need to know who's it is." She grabbed a few papers on her desk area are and started to look through them. She turned to a specific page and looked back to the microscope. Seconds later she turned back to me. "It's HABIT'S." My eyes widned and I tilted my head., "How is this even possible? He has no physical form." She shook her head. "No,he has a DNA structure though. James,how long had he been in you?" I stopped to think for a second. "Almost as whole year..." She nodded slowly, as to process the information. "James,he's implanted into ypu. His "spirit" has grown into your DNA. James, you and HABIT are symbiotically connected." My eyes lit up with shock. He was me and I was him. "He's me? Like,my body and mind?" She nodded. "Yes,he's now a part of you. Now,is this all you needed?" I didn't respond. This was so much to take in. I liked at get and said my response. "Yeah,I'm gonna go though..." I was about to walk back to the window,but I was felt her hand grab my wrist. "James, you can stay if you want..." I looked back at her with a smile. "Thanks Alex..." I said,smiling. "But I'm not tired..." She looked at me with a slight grin. "Who said we'd be sleeping?" My cheeks instantly went crimson. "Was that...sexual?" She shook her head,facepalming. "No,it wasn't. I me won't playing cards..." I chuckked and roles my eyes. "Of course,how silly of me..." She smiked and then sat down,grabbing the cards. I sat down across from her and then she shuffled the cards. We began to get our cards form the deck,then I looked at her. "So,I'm like Venom and Casey?" She looked up,tilting her head. "Who?" I smiled happily. "From spiderman. Casey is the guy and Venom is the black suit thing." She sighed and then set the rest of the deck aside,lifting her cards up as I did. "Yes,just like them. You are both like them. Connected. As a symbiot." I sighed and we began to play cards. I wonder how HABIT would react....

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