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He had me do a few stretches first, to make aure i wouldn't handed be sore later. Then me a wooden knife replica and showed me the proper stance for a fight with a trained proxy. He then showed me a few techniques to disarm an opponent and what weapons to use for certain ranks. "Hey,why do you want to help me out?" I asked him curiously. He looked at me with curiosity, but gave his reply. "James,we worked together under the Writer's command. Although you may not feel the same way,I see you as a younger brother. Do you get it now?" I nodded,letting his words sink in. I continued to train under his lead,learning about the history and backstories of some of the greatest proxies. "So wait,there's a cult that worships the Slenderman?" He nodded,showing me a symbol. It was diamond shaped with a cross in the middle. Surrounding the middle of the cross was a circle. "They call themselves the 'Novus Ordo Europa'. Others call then 'The Order of Gorr'rylaehotep'." I tilted my head in confusion. "So they're from Europe?" He nodded his head and put the symbol down. "Yes. They came here in the 40s and 50s after the Nazi's experiments. They were the first order of proxies on this continent." I looked at him with a strange feeling. "And you know this how...?" He chuckled and put a hand on my shoulder. "I was part of their order for a while. I learned a lot of fun facts." I smiled at him. "Anything else you learned?" He nodded quickly. "What rank are you?" I quickly answered. "I'm an 'Altered' proxy". I could tell he was surprised. He let out a sudden gasp,then grabbed my shoulder. "James,why didn't you tell me?!" I shrugged suddenly. "I didn't think it was that important." He facepalmed and let out a sigh. "James,you can do so much...with so little effort. James,you're a superhuman killing machine." I tilted my head in confusion. I knew I was powerful,but I didn't know what he meant. "What do you mean I'm a 'superhuman killing machine'?" He looked at me and stabbed my shoulder,then pulled out the knife. I let out at wince of pain,then angrily looked at him. "What was that for?!" I yelled,nearly jumping at him. He slightly backed away and cleared his throat. "James,use that rage to fuel your thinking. Think hard about that wound healing.." I looked at it and glared. My emotions of hate started to flood my thoughs. I could see images of blood and murdering. Then,to my surprise,my wound started to....heal itself. "Holy motherfucking cow fucker! What the hell just happened?!" I screamed,scared of what I saw. He laughed heartily,walking to me. "That James is the 'Altered Healing Factor'. It's a very useful power." I felt my eyes gaze away from my healed wound and to him. "Wait,it's there more?" I asked,curious to know. He nodded,grinning under his helmet. "Oh yeah,there's Altered Knowledge, Altered Strength, and my favorite: Altered Teleportation." I chuckled and smiled,looking at him. "How do its use them?" He pointed to his head. "Use your thoughs. Your emotions of hate and anger to fuel them." I nodded,then looked anskedndndt my hands. "So,it's think about what I want to do while also thinking of hate?" He nodded. "Exactly. Give the teleportation a try." I nodded,rhen started thinking. Within a few seconds,I ended up on the mansion's roof. I started to laugh,thinking of all the fun stuff I could do with this. I then teleported back to him,still laughing. "See James,you're starting to get the hang of it."

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