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I smiled and jumped up onto my bed, closing my eyes instantly. I needed this sleep badly. I closed my eyes, quickly drifting into sleep.


I woke up in the early morning, like always. I could hear my radio playing at a very low volume. I turned it off and got up, undressing. I walked to my closet, grabbing some fresh ones to change into. After I finished, I walked downstairs. Something was wrong, however. The mansion was quite and no one was in the kitchen or living room. I pondered about what had happened, until I heard a noise coming from Alex's room. I quickly walked to her room and opened the door. Everyone was inside, huddled around a large machine and chamber thing I saw Alex look at me and smile. "James, come here!" I walked over to her, looking at two apples on the table that she pointed to. "James, I made and cloning machine!" My eyes widned and I smiled. "That's amazing! Can you clone humans? Have you tried?" I aked anxiously. Everyone was talking about what was happening, sounding excited and happy. She shook her head, sighing. "No one wants to volunteer because of it's risk." I chuckled heartily. "Alex, let me do it. I've always wanted a clone." She looked at me and smiled "Really James?" I nodded, still smiling. "yeah, hook me up." She grinned happily and pulled me to the machine, strapping strange wires to my wrist and neck. She then put a helmet-like device kn my head. Everyone went silent and all eyes went onto me. "Okay James, on the count of three I'm gonna pull it..." I nodded, taking a very deep breath. I heard her begin to count. "One...two...three!" She yelled, pulling the lever. At that moment, I felt a jolt of weird, pain-like sensations spread into me. Within seconds, a smoke began to form in the chamber. She pulled the lever back to its original state and took the stuff off of me and rushed to the chamber. At this moment, everyone was on edge. They widnded what was going to emerge from the chamber. Alex opened it's door, and pit walked a fully clothed copy of me. It looked around at all of us strangely, as if it knew us.  It looked at Alex and tried to speak. With a shake voice he said. "A-alex..." and fell to the floor, unconscious.

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