The Writer

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I laughed and then looked up at him. "Thanks man,this will come in handy." He laughed and patted my back. "Yeah,don't mention it pal. Now,see ya." Before I could even say bye to him,he teleported away. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He always left before I could say bye. "Man,this is so cool..."I whispered to myself. I started to think of all the fun pranks I could pull with my new abilities. Then,I heard a loud scream coming from inside the mansion. I looked at the mansion door,then teleported to it. I quickly opened the door and sprinted inside. The scream was from Alex's room. I burst open the door, only to see something that made my eyes flare with instant anger. "Hello,James." It was the man from the fight,with a knife to Alex's throat."You again! I though I killed you!" He chuckled,putting the knife closer to her neck. "Well,I got better. Now James,if you want your precious Alex,if need you to do something for me." I nodded,knowing I couldn't do anything. "What is it?" I glared,feeling my anger rise. "Kill yourself. Now." He said. "No! I will not do that!" He laughed,lightly digging the blade into her neck. I quickly thought of a plan. I grabbed my knife and plunged it into my throat. I fell to the floor,choking on my own blood. I saw Alex scream and starts to cry.

Unknown Villain P.O.V

I chuckled as I saw James drop to the floor. I then threw Alex aside,who just started to cry. I kept thinking, using my power to keep the other residents of the mansion frozen in time. I kneeled down by James,who was still. "Poor kiddo,it's sad to see you go out this know,you were once a good frie-"


I took control of his body,stopping him mid sentence. I grabbed the knife out of James' neck as it started to heal. "Oh,this is gonna be fun..." I said to myself as I plunged the knife into my temporary host. I then slit the stomach open,spilling his intestines out onto the floor. I felt my host body fall to it's knees,then I left back to James.

James P.O.V.

I got back back up,feeling my neck heal. The rage that dwelled inside of me was drastic. I walked dover to the body on my floor and stepped on the intestines. I heard a slight groan come from him as I kneeled down. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and looked him in the eyes. "WHO SENT YOU?! I yelled. I heard the faith static fill the room,rhen watched helplessly as I saw Slender rip him in half. Blood went everywhere as I saw black fire surround the body. It fell to the floor,motionless. I looked up at my boss. "What was that for?! I WANTED TO KILL HIM!" I felt myself yell at him. He stood there,looking down at me. "He was healing himself. I made sure he couldn't do it anymore." I glared and huffed,looking down. "Why didn't you come any sooner?"I asked him angrily. He shrugged slightly. "I was unable to move or think." I hugged once more,looking down at the body. The black fire was gone,but the body was not charred or burnt. "Hey,why isn't he burnt?" I asked, looking back up to Slender. "It's dark magic fire. It deprives an entity or creature of all abilities. He's dead now." I nodded,then looked back to the body. I saw something on it's wrist,like a tattoo or brand. I grabbed his wrist and flipped it over. My eyes teared and widened at what I saw. On the wrist of this guy was an ink pen with a knife tip. The symbol of the Writer.

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