He will be back

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Sorry chapter is short) Jordan's POV
Jordan: "Who will be back!?"

Ianite:"Dianite, and Tom. But it won't be the Tom you knew. You must save him to get him back."


Ianite: "Dianite has kinda, well I guess you could say, re-programmed him to hate everyone that wasn't on his side."


Ianite: "I dunno. Just, talk to him like you've never met him and try to gain his trust. There Was something about you that he apparently liked, so maybe that'll spark up some memories"

Jordan: "I hope your right, but m'lady"

Ianite: "Yes?"

Jordan: "What if he never remembers me?"

Ianite: "Then I'll have to try to step in and help."

Jordan:" Yes M'lady."

And with that I was slammed back into reality. Sonja was standing over me shaking me back and forth.
Sonja: "Are you okay??"

Jordan: "Yeah."

Sonja: "What was that about?"

Jordan: "Ianite....-"

Sonja: "What about her? Is she in trouble!?"

Jordan: "They will be back"

Sonja: "Who!?"

Jordan : "Dianite and Tom. But, Tom won't be the Tom I knew. He has been taken over by dianite. There is a way to get him back but I have to figure that part out."

Sonja: "Oh my gosh. W-what at we gonna do?? We need to stop them! But we need to
somehow get T-Tom back at the same time"

Sonja's POV

I stuttered in the Tom part because a little part of me doesn't want him to come back. I guess you could call me a little jelly. I kinda want sparklez to my self, but of course I'm not going to say I do. He's in love with tom. I guess I have to respect that. But I still want sparklez all to myself. He's handsome, funny, adorable, and he knows how to treat a lady with respect,Something Tucker didn't know how to. I got up and helped Jordan up.

Jordan: "I-I'll be in my room...."

Sonja: "Okay"

D*nmit! I really want him to forget about Tom. I know that he's thinking about how to save Tom right now. Maybe I should come up with a plan. When ever he's around Jordan, I could just kill Tom and say that he had a diamond sword that was ready to kill him. Maybe that'll work. I'll just have to plan it out. But all I know is that I want Tom out of the picture, and Jordan to be mine. (stalker much?)

Jordan's POV

I am so confused. I want Tom back! He's one of the only people who actually had my back! Well for the last couple of days. When he was with me, I felt safe, I didn't feel alone. With Sonja I do feel not alone, but that's because we are all alone by are selves.I started to cry a little. My tails started to shake and wrap around my legs. I'm so depressed. I need to find out how to save Tom. I love him. (sorry if this sounds cheesy) He needs to be fixed! Then the room started to spin. I felt like I was drunk. I fell. Then dianite appeared in front of me. He had a smirk on his face.

Jordan: "And I wonder what the hell you want" (sarcasm)

Dainite: "Don't talk back to me!"

Jordan: "Your not my God."

Dianite: "Well I am now, if you want Tom to be yours."

Jordan: "Don't even think about it. I'll figure out how to save Tom on my own."

Dianite: "You can't figure it out!"

Jordan: "Yeah I can!"

Dianite: "No you can't. He'll never love you again"

Jordan: "Yes he will. Ianite said."

Dianite: "Oh? What did she say. Just curious"

Jordan: "She said, that there was something that was special about me to Tom, to get him to like me."

Dianite: "Whatever. You believe in this stupid, retarded, thing called love. Your sick."

Jordan: "Whatever. I'll figure out how to get him to remember"

And with that I was snapped back into real life. I jumped up and looked around. I wonder when Tom is going to return. Ianite and Dianite said that he was going to come. But never told me when. I need to know. I think I'm going to go explore more around. Maybe find some secrets to this place. Maybe find out how we got here. I walked out of the house and started to randomly walk in a random direction. Something stood out to me. A hill next to Mine and Sonja's house, there was a black aura. The thing was wearing a gray and red cloak. It was wearing the good over its face. I started to walk up the mountain. The figure looked familiar. Then I noticed who it was.

Jordan: "W-Waglington?"

Waglington: "Hello"

Jordan: "Do you remember me?"

Waglington: "Of course I do! Your Jordan!"

Jordan: "No one else remembers us. Where are we?"

Waglington: "I don't really know myself. I was with Ifrez, and I decided that I wanted to actually do stuff like how you do. So I left the place. Then about 3 days later, I wake up and everything is over run by other mobs I have never seen before. When I returned to the tower, It was blown to bits."

Jordan: "Wait so you guys have been here before!?"

Waglington:"Yes. This was a new place to do some experimenting."

Jordan: "Me and Sonja see the only ones here."

Waglington: "Why?"

Jordan: "Tucker and....and....and...."

Waglington: "Spit it out already!"

Jordan: "Mianite killed Tom and they both can't respawn. But some how Dianite got Tom back but he made it so Tom was evil and only remembers the times I've killed him."

Waglington: "Wow. Well, I no longer have my wizard powers so I can't help."

Jordan: "It's fine. Just tell me if you see him okay?"

Waglington: "Got it."

Well Waglington wasn't any help. At least he remembers us. I was walking home and text popped up......

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