The reset: the end?

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Jordan's POV
I pushed my self off the ground and I was panting for air. What the hell?! Everyone jumped back in surprised that I was alive. Waglington was the only one who looked calm. Sonja and Tucker had a surprised look on there face. But not Tom. He had tears flooding down his face but he wasn't making a sound.

Wag: "What did you see?"

Jordan: "What?! How-?"

Wag: "I just know. You would have to see something. Past or future you would've had to see"

Jordan: "P-Past"

Wag: "As I expected. How do you feel? That had to get rid of the affects of the injection"

Jordan: "Other then me being scared and guilty out of my mind, I'm perfectly fine"

Wag: "That's good. Do you remember everything?"

Jordan: "Y-Yeah. Much more than I wish I knew"

Sonja: "Well that scared the living shit out of me"

Tucker: "Talk about it" (sarcasm!)

Tom didn't say anything. He was just fiddling with his hands and looking down at the ground. I don't blame him. I'm happy that he actually got help after what I said to him. I'm an insane psycho killer. I never really thought about that since I was found on the realm of mianite.

Wag: "I need to go work on my witchery, call me if you need help Tom, Jordan"

Tucker: "I need to work on blood magic, I'm out"

Sonja: "I'll go mining Bye!"

They all left. Tom slowly turned around and started to walk slowly away. What have I done? I walked behind him, as silent as I could. Then I question myself what the hell I'm doing. Because I have no idea. My body is doing stuff and I'm not in control. I suddenly reached for his shoulder and rested my hand on it. He sharply turned around and had a shocked look on his face. I pulled him into a hug and he started to cry into my shoulder. (who's the tough guy now?)

Jordan: "I'm so sorry, Tom"

Tom: "Its all my fault......"

Those words hit me, they hit me hard. That sparked something in my memory. Then, it all went black. Tom disappeared. Tucker and Sonja appeared beside me. I was stuck in a glass casing and so were they. I could here Tom yelling so I think he was on the other side of Sonja.

Tucker: "What the hell?! Sonja!"

Sonja: "Tucker? Jordan? Tom? Are you guys okay?"





Jordan: "Why are we stuck in cages?!"


Suddenly, 3 gods appeared before us. Ianite was in the middle. Mianite was on the right, and Dianite was on the left. Ianite looked.......disapproving. Mianite and Dianite had stone cold poker faces.

Mianite: "We all have decided that we should reset everything. Every memory of this place. Sonja, Tucker, you may remember a bit but Tom,Jordan, it will be set back to zero for you two, and you'll be back to normal."

Jordan: "W-What?!"

I had tears streaming down my face. My voice was shaky. I could tell that Tom was acting the same way I was because I heard pounding on the glass.

Tom: "Y-You can't do that!"

Dianite: "We all decided it was for the best"

I looked over at Ianite, who was looking at the ground.

Jordan: "I-Ianite? You too?"

Ianite: "I'm so sorry Jordan. But.....they are right. It's for the best. You will remember everything from the Realm Of Mianite, but nothing about this place it you and Tom. It just has to be done"

Tucker: "Hold up for a sec! What is Sonja and me gonna remember?" (I know I didn't use the right words but you get what I said)

Mianite: "You will remember every single little thing from the Realm Of Mianite, but your not suppose to remember anything from here"

Sonja: "What do you mean, 'not suppose to'?"

Dianite: "........."

Ianite: "There is a fair chance that you guys may remember a little bit of this place, but you won't remember much. No one else will remember either. Not the King. Not prince Andor. No one"

Dianite: "Goodbye"

Mianite: "We'll see you soon"

Ianite: "I'm so sorry for all of this. Its all my fault....."

Dianite: "Grow up"

There was a flash of light. Then something weird happened.

~Memory wipe~

We were standing on the side of an Island, staring down at a void. Tom was on my right, Tucker was on my left, and Sonja was next to Tucker.

Tom: "I'm out"

Jordan: "Tom~! We've come to far to give up"

Tucker: "Don't be a p*ssy Tom!"

Sonja: "Les do dis!"

Jordan, Sonja, Tucker, Tom : "1.......2.....3!"

We a jumped in the void.

A/n: OMG OMG OMG!!! I think I may have finished this book! Want a 3rd book? I've got so many more plot twist I want to use so I may make a 3rd book. Who am I kidding? Of course I'm going to make a 3rd book to keep my sanity intact. This is so exciting for me and I have no idea why. I really hope you've enjoyed this book :3 . I'll make a 3rd book soon! Love you all <3!

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