Double Trouble

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Sonja's POV (long time no POV). (RESPAWN IS OFF)

<Server>: II_Jerico_II has been brought back to life by minecraft: God_Mianite

YAY! He's back! I've been pretty lonely since I've dumped tucker. And ran towards spawn, hoping he was there. I ran down town and ran to where me and Jordan spawned. I saw Tucker standing there, looking a bit dazed. But when he saw me, his eyes lit up and we ran towards each other. (How romantic/KAWII) I hugged him and started to sob. I've been nothing without him. I know what your thinking, 'But SONJA! You've been hitting on sparklez!' I've only been doing that because I have been very lonely, and I don't trust Tom with Jordan.

Tucker: "I'm sorry for being a dick to you"

Sonja: "You better be you little twat! I've missed you so much". (She was joking bout the twat thing)

Tucker: "I know, but. I'm only here because I made a deal with mianite. We need to do this or else Dianite will take over and who knows what will happen to Ianite"

Sonja: "I'm in"

I don't care that Mianite tried to kill me and Jordan. Because we're still alive so it doesn't matter.

Sonja: "So what's the plan?"

Tucker: "Mianite, believe it or not, has been watching you. He believes that if you and me work together, we can break Syndisparklez apart"


Even though I'm with Tucker again, doesn't mean I still can't look out of Jordan. And I don't trust Tom with Jordan so I'll do anything to make sure Tom doesn't fool him.

Jordan's POV
Tom fell asleep on my bed. (they didn't do anything dirty they just were hanging out in Jordan's room) I glanced over at my floor and saw the book this 'farmer Steve' person gave to me. I grabbed the book and stared at what was written in it.

(the book says about how Dianite was actually the good guy and Mianite was the bad guy. And how Mianite think that Ianite and Dianite are just peasants)

I.....I just don't know what to believe anymore. And since Tucker was brought back by Mianite, he might be planning something. Then, everything went dark. I black out. Lady Ianite appeared in front of the darkness.

Jordan: "Y-Yes m'lady?"

Ianite: "It seems that you have some questions. I'm here to give answers"

Jordan: "U-Um okay?"

M'lady doesn't usually act like this.

Jordan: "But I thought I have to figure stuff out on my own...."

Ianite: "Your to smart for your own good"

Wtf?! M'lady would never in a million years say that! I glared at what was apparently Ianite. I noticed something different. Her pupils were black, not purple. That's a big deal. This is not m'lady!"

Jordan: "Who are you....?"

???: "You should know"

The figure of Ianite turned to Dainite. Then Dianite turned into Mianite. Then Mianite turned into Tom. I was star struck. I am confused as hell. It looked like the Tom I knew. This scared me. For I would never think of this. Then clones of tom randomly came out of no where and all started to gang up on him. I'm so confused.

Clone: "We thought you liked this Jordan" (seductive tone for all of them)
Clone: "We just wanna play"
Clone: "The more toms, the more fun you'll have"
Clone: "You like this right?"
Clone:"Do you not like us?"
Clone: "Dianite was right about you!"
Clone: "We love you Jordan"

All the mixed comments are confusing me. What the hell is going on?! I couldn't tell what was happening. I was slammed back into reality. Tom was on top of me, shaking me and calling my name.

Tom: "Jordan?! JORDAN?!"

Jordan: "W-W-What happened?"

Tom: "I heard you screaming my name so I instantly woke up and you weren't waking up. You scared the f#@? out of me Jordan!"

Jordan: "Well believe it or not, you did to"

Tom: "What do you mean"

Jordan: "It was a really disturbing and confusing thing to see. There were like 50 clones of you and they all were yelling stuff and, I just don't even understand"

Tom: "I'm glad your alive though because that really scared me shitless."

Then we both heard a loud noise. Kinda like something breaking. We both ran down stairs. I noticed something immediately. There was a fox tail, sticking out from under my table. I grabbed the tail, and half pulled on it. Not enough to hurt, but enough to get someone's attention. Sonja ran out from under the table. Tucker, then ran out after Sonja.

Jordan: "Uh.. not to be rude or anything but, why are you guys under my table?"

Sonja: "Why do you ask? I'm sure you wanted me here....."

Jordan: "And why is Tucker here?"

Tucker: "I'm here for Tom"

I felt a little jealous but it instantly went away. I can't be like that. Ianite needs me to stay calm.

Tom: "why?! What the hell do you want with me? Do I owe you something?"

Tucker: "No. .. I just thought you would like to see me"

Tom: "Well it's cool that your alive but stalking me and Jordan is a little creepy"

Tucker: "I'm not stalking Jordan. (note the disgust in his voice) I'm stalking you"

Tom: "Well don't do that."

Sonja: "SPOODLES!"

Jordan: "What?"

Sonja: "I dunno. Thought you would like to hear my voice"

Her long tail wrapped around my waist. I saw Tom go red with anger.

Tucker: "See tom! Jordan doesn't want you. He's with Sonja. So just come with me"

Tom: "Back the f#@? off"

Jordan: "Sonja, move your tail. Your bothering me"

I need to stay calm. If I dont, according to the book Steve gave me, Ianite might take over and something bad will happen. Something would take over Ianite and The thing that took over Ianite, would take over me.

Sonja: "But Jordan~! I thought you l-"

Jordan: "Pleas move. Now!"

She unwrapped her tail.

Sonja: "Well see you later spoodles! Bye tom"

She had a rude tone when she said toms name. She skipped out of my house. I sighed.

Jordan: "Imma just gonna let you two settle whatever you guys need to do, and I'm just gonna go in the mine"

Tom: "Jordan wait-"

I had already grabbed my pickaxe. I walked out of the door, leaving Tom and Tucker alone.

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