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Toms POV
It's been an hour, and I've been just staring at Jordan. Waiting for him to wake up. I walked out of the room for 5 seconds and when I came back he was gone. I started to hyperventilate and have a panic attach at the same time. Where the hell is he?! I heard crying from my bathroom. This can't be good. I knocked on the bathroom door, not knowing what to do.

Tom: "Jordan?"

Jordan: "Leave me the f#@? alone!"

Well that wasn't surprising. So he is either, the depressed personality, or the pissed off one.Either way, this won't end well.

Tom: "Just open the damn door"

Jordan: "I said LEAVE ME THE F#@? ALONE F#@? WAD!"

Okay he's definitely pissed off.

Tom: "If you don't open the door, I'll open it up myself."

Jordan:"I'll like to see you f#@?ing try"

I grabbed my axe and hit it against the door nob until it fell off. I pushed the door open and saw Jordan, curled up into a little ball in the corner of the bathroom. He was gushing out blood. He did look pissed of though.

Tom: "Dis you f#@?ing cut yourself?!"

Jordan: "Why the f#@? do you care?! You made me do this you b¡tch"

Tom: "I....I thought you wouldn't remember...?"

Jordan: "You think you could just f#@?ing toy with my emotions. You think I'm just some peasant! You think Dianite is going to succeed with killing my god and Mianite! And you don't give a f#@? !"

Tom: "Thats not what I meant!"

Wag said he wouldn't remember for about 2 months! He did say that when he is like this, he'll remember things that have hurt him. He twitched then started to freak out.

Jordan's POV *amnesia/cheerful*
A flash happened and I couldn't remember what was going on. All I knew is that I was bleeding.. and Tom was staring at me?! What?! He sighed and ran his finger through his hair.

*seductive jordan*
What the hell. I saw a handsome Tom with blue hair. He has blue hair?! That just makes me like him more. He's different. I like different. I saw that I was bleeding and started to have a panic attach.

*depressed Jordan*
I calmed myself. I deserve to die. I deserve to be hurt. Tom shouldn't give a f#@? about me. But he does..... it doesn't make sense. I should die. Tom grabbed some gauze. He started to wrap my arm in gauze.

Jordan: "Why are you helping me? I deserve to die"

Tom: "No you don't!"

*pissed off Jordan*
Tom was touching me. I pulled away from him.

Jordan: "I said don't touch me you f#@?"

Tom: "What....?"

*cheerful/amnesia Jordan*
What did I just say?!

Jordan: "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! I'm so so sorry!"

What's gotten into me?! Why am I bleeding?! Why does Tom look hurt?!

Jordan: "What....what happened?"

Tom: "This is not good"

Jordan: "What?"

He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my head, and his hands on my hips. I blushed. My cheeks were probably bright red. (The ones on his face ;D) But this seems more then friendship. Why would he be doing this? I've always had a small crush on Tom. Does he know? (Remember, this one only remember innocent things)

(Slightly not PG. they're just makin out)
*Seductive Jordan*
Wait. What's going on?! Then I noticed what Tom was doing. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer to him. Even though I'm bleeding right now, I like this. He moved a little to look at me. We both started to lean forward. Are lips connected and i felt sparks. I haven't kissed him in a while, now that I think about it.

Toms POV
I know it's bad to take advantage of Jordan when he's like this, but I couldn't resist. It's just so confusing with a of these....emotions that Jordan is having.One minute he's happy, next minute he is pissed off. Then he is cutting. Its just a lot to handle and it's only been going on for 20 minutes. Then I realized what I was doing. I spaced out. I pushed Jordan against the wall, not breaking the kiss. (there will only be smut it of you want it because I personally don't want to write smut) He pulled me closer. Then he gently pushed me off of him.

Jordan: "You'll get more later"

(Back to PG)
GOD DANMIT! THAT WAS A TEASE! I felt my face heat. I felt something wrap around my leg. I looked down and saw Jordan clinging to me and one of his tails around my leg.

Jordan: "What the hell was that?!"

Tom: "what?"

We walked out of the bathroom and walked downstairs. Jordan was clinging on to me the whole time because he was apparently scared. Which I don't get why. Half way down the stairs, he pushed me and I crashed onto the stairs until I hit the bottom.

Tom: "What the hell was that for?!"

Jordan: "I.....I dunno. I really don't know. W-Why would I push you?"

Tom: "That's what I just f#@?ing asked you"

Jordan put his head down and kept walking down the stairs as I got up. When he reached the last step, he still had his head down. Now I just feel like a dick. But then, Jordan looked up and has a 'I'm gonna f#@?ing kill you' expression on his face. His hands in fist. His eyes narrowed. We continued to walk through my house, trying to find the noise Jordan heard, and I didn't. He then gripped his head and looked like he was about to scream.

Tom: "Are you okay??"


Tom: "What is?"

Jordan: "F#@?, THE DANM NOISE!!! ITS TO LOUD!!!"

There was nothing. I heard nothing. And I still hear nothing. He backed up into a wall, acting as if he was cornered, and banged his head against the wall violently. He looked insane. His eyes, they weren't normal. They almost looked like if they had the swirls in his eyes. (you know, from like cartoons) It scared the living shit out of me.

Tom: "W-What are you doing J-Jordan?! please stop!"

Jordan: "MAKE IT F#@?ING STOP!!! PLEASE!!!!"

There's something wrong. He looked like he was foaming at the mouth. Crys of pain became insane laughs. His eyes, they made him look even more insane. What's wrong with him..........?

A/N: Short I know

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