Clone?! Blue haired tom?!

992 40 8

A/n: why does this book have more votes then my first book? Sequels better or something?

Toms POV (respawn still off)
Jordan left. He actually just left his own house. Just so I could talk to Tucker?! If I was him, I would be really pissed and wouldn't leave him alone with anyone. But, then again, he is an Ianite follower. He needs to stay calm, at least that's what Farmer Steve told me. After Sparklez closed the door, I felt Tucker's arms wrap around my waist. I immediately pushed him off of me. I only love sparklez. No One else.

Tucker: "Oh? You wanna play it hard to get?"

Tom: "What?! No?! I'm with sparklez"

Tucker: "Really? He wouldn't leave you if he loved you"

Tom: "He is the only person with personal space respect!"

Tucker: "Back to the subject, I bet he wouldn't be as fun as I would be"

Tom: "Excuse me?!"

Tucker: "I bet he isn't as fun as I would be. I know you, you like it rough. Jordan, on the other hand, is to innocent for his own good"

Tom: "Don't talk about Jordan like that! I don't care! He isn't doing this for his God! I'm outta here"

I ran out the door. I need to fin sparklez.

Tucker's POV
Danmit! Trying to seduce Tom didn't work. Mianite said he had a plan B so I wanna hear it.

Tucker: "Mianite"

Mianite: *appears out of thin air* "Yes? I see that you need my help"

Tucker: "Yep! So what's the plan B?"

Mianite: "I, have a clone of Tom."

Tucker: "YOU WHAT??"

Mianite: "I got it from Dianite. I used toms blood to make a clone of him from when I killed him. I had Dianite to get Ianite to say how to do it."

Tucker: "How is a clone going to help us?"

Mianite: "I've already made sure that the clone is aware of what's going on and will go with the plan. I programmed it to listen. Jordan will eventually come back to his house and see you and Tom making out or something."

The clone of Tom appeared. It was an exact replica of Tom.

Mianite: "I've figured out how to trick him into thinking that the one you're with is real. I've made toms hair blue. Electric blue."

Tucker: "PERFECT! CMON TOMS CLONE! We got some work to do!"

I don't mind making out with a Tom of clone when Jordan comes. It'll only be long enough for Jordan to see us. And plus, it's not like the clone will care.

Toms POV (extremely short)
No luck finding Jordan. Its been a hour. Think I'll see if he's at the house.

Jordan's POV
I walked back to my house. I didn't mind at all. Just walking. I opened up my door to the most scariest thing ever. That vision I had, this morning. Is happening. There was Tom, stroking Tucker's hair as another Tom was fighting with him. But there's something weird. The Tom that's fighting with Tucker , has blue hair. I felt my head spin around. Im so confused.

Jordan: "W-What's g....going on?"

I felt a sharp pain in my head. I crashed into the floor and everything went black.

Toms POV
I walked into Jordan's house. I saw Tucker and...... And me making out with Tucker?! What?!

Tom: "What the actual shit?!"

Tucker: "Crap! It isn't Jordan!"

Tom: "What the hell is going on?!"

Tucker: "I've been sent to break you two apart. Mianite has made a clone of you. But Jordan won't believe a word you say. And he won't believe that your the real Tom and his heart will be broken"

Tom: "Why??"

Tucker: "Look at yourself. You hair is blue"

I started to panic. What does he mean?! I put my hands on my head then put them to my face. They had electric blue on it. What?! I am pissed.




Tucker: "you'll see...."

Then sparklez walked in. He has a confused look on his face. He grabbed his head in pain. He crashed into the hard oak wood floor. I ran over to him and picked him up in a bridal style. I was having a panic attach. I didn't know where the f#@? to go so I ran to the only place I could think of. Waglington.He's always been a good friend of mine. And he use to be a wizard so he knows all about everything in this mest up realm. I kicked open his door to his tower thingy. He was standing in a corner.

Wag: "Wow. Uh what's going on?"

Tom: "Mianite made a clone of me! The clone and Tucker were supposed to trick Jordan into thinking that I was making out with him when it was really the clone. And he passed out!"

Wag: "I can help. But why do you have blue hair?"

Tom: "I guess this is what they tried to do to make sure I didn't look like the real tom"

Wag: "Follow me"

He lead me through his tower thing. He had me put Jordan against a wall. He went to the corner of the room, where all the stuff was. He has shelves and shelves of witchary things. He grabbed a syringe. It had dark purple stuff inside it. He walked over to Jordan.

Wag: "Ge definitely under some source of magic. This syringe can break him free of it and he'll be fine. But it may cause some amnesia, and other things....

Tom: "I don't care. I just need him to be okay"

*after he gives Jordan the syringe*

Wag: "Do you want to know what harm this could bring? Do you want to know what made him pass out?"

Tom: "Sure.....?

Wag: "He passed out because of Ianite. She wasn't hurting him. She was trying to take over him so she would see it and not him. But that didn't work because Dianite started to interfere. There are some things I must warn you about, because when he wakes up. You have no idea"

Tom: "Elaborate?"

Wag: "This will cause split personalities and a lot of amnesia. There will be a personality that makes him pissed off at everyone and he will isolate himself from everyone. There will be a really depressed one that will most likely try to take there life when respawn is off. There will be one that is really uh..... seductive? And there will be one that is really happy and cheerful, but it won't remember romantic relationship. Which means when he's very cheerful, he doesn't remember ever having a romantic anything with you"

Tom: "Wait so there will be a pissed off personality, a depressed one, a seductive one, and a cheerful/ amnesia one?"

Wag: "Yes. And the personalities can swap at the drop of a hat. So you must be carful about thing you do around him. This will eventually ware off. I say in about a month or two."

Tom: "O-Okay. Thank you so much wag! When will he wake up? And will he remember anything about the clone?"

Wag: "He won't remember anything about anything that has happened today. And he should wake up in about.....30 minutes? If you try to wake him up, he probably will. Just wait till your somewhere not in my house. Oh and the really pissed off personality will remember everything. Well...only things that have a reason to be mad at someone. He won't remember any other emotion except anger."

Tom: "O-Okay. I'll see you later wag."

I picked up Jordan and walked out of Wags tower. This is so confusing. I went to my house, not wanting to risk Tucker still being in sparklez house. I kicked open my door and closed it with my foot. I carried Jordan to my bedroom. I wonder what's going to happen when he wakes up.

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