The past

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Jordan's POV
Shit! Shit.shit.shit!!!! All the f#@?ing memories are coming back........of what I did. And I never want to think about what I've done in my past. Of what I did to them......what I did to her....what I did to him... it's just, I cant. I just cant. M'lady is punishing me for what I said to Tom, I just know it. I shouldn't let my emotions get in the way of my job, making sure that everything is right, is my job. And I failed at that. I really did. I can still hear the screams of horror. Right now, I'm still in the forest with Tom. We're both lost in thought right now. I can tell.....

Toms POV
We're just, standing here. We're not doing anything. He isn't even blinking which scares the living hell out of me. Suddenly, he randomly dropped limp to the ground. What the f#@? is f#@?ing happening?!

Tom: "T-TUCKER!"

I didn't know what else to do but call for help. I'm a mess right now, the emotions are messing with me. Its all my fault. And Jordan's pissed at me. And so is Tucker. Sonja comes running at the speed of light over to me. I hear Tucker's foot steps in the distance.

Sonja: "What the hell happened?!"

Tom: "I-I dunno. He....he just randomly dropped to the ground....."

I don't think my brain is realizing what's going on. Then, I see Waglington floating over to us because he's worked on his wizard shit. And also, he knows something I bet.

Wag: "Oh my..... I knew that giving him that injection would be a bad idea..."


Wag: "NO! I saved his ass! When you f#@? and your boyfriend were splitting them apart, Jordan was trying to be protected by his God but it back fired and Jordan could've not respawn, but I saved his ass! So you shut the hell up bitch!"

Tucker: "What's going on?"

Wag: "Jordan passed out because of that injection I gave him. The injection split all emotions so it was like he had 5 different personalities. And its overloading right now because different emotions are saying different things."

Tom: "W-What??"

Wag: "And it doesn't help concerning his past..... and his God.... everything isn't working for him"

Tucker: "His past?! He was talking about that earlier?!"

Sonja: "Yeah. he said what he did was unforgivable"

Tom: "What did happen in his past?"

Jordan's POV
I can see them.....


I was about 15. My parents are in the basement. I'm so f#@?ing tired of being ignored by everyone! Every single person ignores me! And my parents just don't care! I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. There was a knife sitting on the counter. Instead of me cutting, why can't I just kill everyone? I wouldn't have to suffer any more. They'll feel my pain. It's there fault. It's everyone's fault that I suffer. Why can't I just make them all go away? I grabbed the knife and went into the basement. I hid the knife behind my back.



Do you see why I hate them? I stepped closer to then, still hiding the knife. They haven't noticed it yet. When I was about 3 feet away from my dad, I grabbed his arm and put him into a head lock. Both my parents were screaming. I grabbed the knife and slit my dads neck as deep as I could. My mom was screaming and my dad was gasping for breath. I started to have seconds thoughts. But, I can't stop now. I dropped my dad, and ran over to my mom. I cornered her into a wall. She attempted to throw her high heel at me. It hit me in the arm. The pointy part hit the middle of my arm and I was gushing blood. I ignored me bleeding and stabbed my mother in the stomach. She screamed a blood curdling scream. I twisted the knife and made her scream even more. I pulled the knife out of her stomach and left her gasping for air. I ran out of the basement and outside of my tree. (he lives in a tree like jerys tree) I guess people heard the screams because guards and people were running around. I saw 3 people that caught my eye. My sister. Ryan. Ant. Ryan and Ant bully me. They're the reasons why everyone else hates me. They're popular and better at PVP and stuff so they get worshipped like they're gods. I hate my sister. She's a stupid little slut.

Sister: "JORDAN!!! There's been screaming! Wait.....why are you covered in blood?"

I'm covered in my own blood and my parents blood. I was still hiding the knife. I need to trick her.

Jordan: "I tried to help....are parents..."

She broke out into tears.

Jordan: "Come here"

She walked over to me still crying. She hugged me. She is 11. I hugged her back. She didn't see the knife in my hand. I fiddled with the knife behind her back.

Jordan: "Don't worry. It'll all be okay"

Sister: "No it won't...! We'll never be able to see mom and dad!"

Jordan: "Don't worry. You'll see them soon"

Sister: "W-What? W-What do you-"

I slit her neck clean off before she could finish. I felt eyes burning through my flesh. Everyone saw me. Everyone started screaming and running. I dropped my sisters limp body and looked around for my next victim. I saw Ryan. Perfect. I took off towards him and put him into a headlock.

Ryan: "AHHH!!! THE F****ER GOT ME!!!"

Jordan: "Have a nice life"

I sit his throat and left him gasping for air. Then, reality hit. I just killed 4 people. I just killed 4 people.......I JUST KILLED 4 F***ING PEOPLE! I took off running towards my tree. The sea is right behind my tree. I took a last glance at my house and said goodbye. I jumped into the sea.

-End of Flashback-

And that's how I ended up in the realm of mianite. I was slapped into reality and saw that there were 5 people surrounding me.

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