Betrail- I f#@?ing hate you

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A/n: the video is kind of a spoiler if you watch it first before you read this chapter. But go ahead.

Toms POV
After a while, I decided to try to get help. But where the hell am I gonna put Jordan?! I'll just drag him back to his house and get help from someone. I'm sure he won't wake up. I picked him up in a bridal style and carried him back to his house.

-Time skip 15 minutes-

I laid Jordan on the couch and walked out of his house. I just so happened to see farmer Steve, hoeing some ground. Maybe he can help....? I walked up to him and he stopped.

Steve: "Ello mate"

Tom: "Ello. I was wondering if you could help me....?"

Steve: "Anything mate! Just, can you hand me my wine over there"

I looked to my right and saw about 5 bottles of wine, all filed to the top. I grabbed one of them and handed it to him. He grabbed the bottle and started to chug it.

Steve: "Want any mate? I have a whole bunch of bottles"

That was so tempting. I am parched..... Maybe just one......

Time skip

Jordan's POV *Cheerful/normal Jordan*
I woke up to weird groans. (don't worry, no smut) I was on my bed. Then I noticed that Sonja was next to me. That's why I probably woke up...

Jordan: "Huh?! What's going on?!"

Sonja: "This isn't even a joke! T-Tom, he....."

Jordan: "He what?"

Sonja: "There's something you need to see, but, be quite. And don't freak out, you can at my house"

Jordan: "O-Okay?"

I pushed myself off the bed and we tip toed down there stairs. I saw something that just broke my heart. I saw Tom, on MY couch. MAKING OUT with a farmer guy. I tried my best not to freak out and stay calm. Just like Ianite thought me. My world started to crumble around me. We tip toed back up to my room. Me, trying to hold in the tears.

Sonja: "Follow me"

She jumped out my window, and I did the same.Her house isn't that far so it wasn't that long. Tucker, was watching from the inside of the house. He opened the door and let us in. I sat on there couch. Looking down at my hands and I felt tears rolling down my face. Why me? Is it because I'm the only one in my team? Am I a terrible person for being different?

*Depressed Jordan*
I hate myself. I wouldn't blame Tom for doing that. A farmer is better than me in every way. I deserve it. I don't deserve friends. After what I did way back then......i don't deserve anything. (I might put a back story on Jordan so expect that soon maybe) I don't even deserve Sonja and Tucker helping me.

Sonja: "I'm so so so sorry Jordan..."

Jordan: "It's not your fault.... I deserve this.."

Tucker: "What do you mean?"

Jordan: "I did something that is unforgivable..... and now it's haunting me..."

Sonja: "What?! Nothing you could've done would make you deserve that! Your extremely nice and always try to keep things in balance"

Jordan: "Out of guilt...."

Tucker: "Guilt for what?! And who f#@?ing cares about Guilt!? Tom knows how you are. Not to e rude but, you are a pretty sensitive person when it comes to friends. But you do anything to make sure your friends are okay. And Tom betrayed your trust!"

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