Short i know

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A/N: Just a quick question, do you want smut or not? Because I am debating if I should or not

Toms POV
I just couldn't resist. I jumped on top of him and pinned him to the couch. I crashed are lips together. At first, he was in shock. But he started to kiss back. This is what happens when I remember stuff. After a couple of minutes, we parted. We both were out of breath. Jordan's face was bright red. Suddenly,sonja came out of no where. She had a suspicious smirk on her face.

<Server>: "Respawn is now on"

When that popped up on chat, the smirk faded away. Well now we no she's some crazy person. Then out of no where again, The king walls into the house.

Jordan: "....."

King: "The taint (LMAO) is spreading. You must come to the town for your own protection."

Sonja: "Wait-"

Tom: "WHAT?!"

King: "You'll pick your house in the town. Grab stuff of value then come straight to the town."

Jordan: "O-Okay"

He left. We all looked at each other. Then we all ran in random directions of the house and started to grab stuff.


Time skip

Jordan's POV
We are already in the houses. I'm just setting up everything. Tom says that the king is shady, I have no idea why but he says he is. I dunno who's right and who's wrong anymore so I'm just gonna ignore it. Suddenly, Tom comes running into my house.

Jordan: "Wh-"


Jordan: "Who-"

Tom: "THE KING!"

Jordan: "Why?!"


Jordan: "You'll get it back, I'm sure he'll give it back later"

Tom: "Why do you trust this mother trucker?!"

Jordan: "Guess it's just what I do"

Tom: "Well you need to be more like me"

Jordan: "And why would I do that?! It'll just be like having another Tom running around. AND, m'lady wouldn't have a follower anyone soooooo"

Tom: "I get it sparkly pants! I just don't want him to do anything shady or trick you" (AWWWWW KAWII)

Jordan: "I know that your just trying to care for me but, I can handle myself. I'm a grown ass man"

Toms POV
I just chuckled. In love: confirmed. I was just about to say something before I was cut off by Sonja, peering through the windows behind g Jordan. Uh, stalker much? Jordan noticed that I was paying attention to something else. He turned around and nearly had a heart attach.

Jordan: ""

Tom: "I don't even know"

Sonja disappeared. It scared the hell out of me. Its not every day that you see a stalker. Me and Jordan just stood there, not sure if what to do. Out of no where, Sonja jumps onto Jordan and pins him to the ground. I was slightly jealous of What Sonja just did.

Jordan: "Get her off! Get it off!"

I immediately pushed Sonja off of Jordan. Now I'm pissed. (Jealousy...?) You don't dare lay a hand on sparklez.

Sonja: "Hey! What was that for??"

Tom: "Because your a crazy wacko bitch!"

She ran over to sparklez and bit his neck. (like a hickey) I felt rage, anger, and especially jealously rush through me.

Jordan: "Ow! The hell?! The f#@?ing hurt! What the hell are you?! A vampire sh*t?!"


Sonja: "Oh come one! You know you like it"

Jordan: "Actually, no I don't. I'm not straight, I'm gay. and I don't think you understand that"

Her tail wrapped around Jordan's waist. Now I was really f#@?ing mad! More jealously was happening. Sparklez noticed that I was about to explode. He nodded, signaling just to kill her. (remember, respawn is on) I swung my sword and text popped up.

<Server>"Omgitsfirefoxx has been slained by SynHD"

Jordan's POV
I still saw that Tom was extremely jealous that Sonja gave me a hickey. Why wouldn't he? I would be jealous to if anyone did that to Tom. And I'm so confused on what is going on now. Not about Tom and Sonja, about the gods. About tucker. If Tom got brought back by Dianite, doesn't that mean Tucker can be brought back to? Does that mean Sonja will leave me and Tom alone? What did that book mean? Am I and m'lady still caught in the middle? Is she actually free yet? If she is, why isn't she appearing like the other gods do? I was snapped out of my thoughts by Tom, shaking me.

Tom: "Jordan? Jordan! JORDAN?!"

Jordan: "Huh what sorry?! Wasn't listening."

Tom: "Well clearly you weren't"

A/N: I know! Rely short but I have ideas for the next chapter and I really wanna work on it before I forget so bye!

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