Hes mine!

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A/N: Okay so just in case you are confused, this is minecraft in real life

*back at there house*
Jordan's POV

Text popped up

SynHD has been brought back to life by God:Dianite

My heart nearly sunk. I really wasn't ready for this. And I can be a little twat sometimes so I do know how to ask Sonja for help. Waglington said that he can't really help so he's unless. And I don't mean that in a mean way. I'm not trying to darude sandstorm. Sonja looked at me and I looked at her. We both knew what was going to happen next. We both grabbed a set of diamond armor and diamond swords. We stalked up on food and golden/notch apples.

Sonja: "Ya ready for dis?"

Jordan: "Well I hope..."

We started to walk outside. There was Tom and Dianite leaning against a tree. Well d*nmit.

Dianite: "Oh hello there, Sparklez."

Jordan: "Shuddupppppp~"

Dianite: "Did you just tell a god what to do!"

Jordan: "Yeah I did. Gotta problem with dat?"

Then I noticed the diamond sword inside the tree next to tom. Well we're f_____d. (sorry I just hate saying that word) Tom pulled the sword out of the tree. Suddenly the sword split in half into two swords. Well sh*t. He threw both swords at me and Sonja.
Captainsparklez has been slained by SynHD

Omgitsfirefoxx has been slained by SynHD

We re spawned in the forest.

Sonja: "I will head back home, you distract Tom."

Jordan: "Fine"

We walked into opposite directions. Suddenly a beam of light shot up in the sky. The beam of light was following me. Its probably Dainite trying to get Tom to find me. I just ignored it and kept walking. I hear footsteps behind me and I know what to expect. There was Tom running at me with some pistol looking gun thing. (btw remember when I said respawn was off, well it is back on because Mianite doesn't control this realm) I tear ran down my face. At least It'll be over in a second because most likely, he will spawn camp me.

Tom: "f______g sh*t d*nmit!"

He was hitting the gun. I felt something appear in my hands. They were small and sharp. Apparently lady Ianite is trying her best to help. The things in my hands were bullets from Toms gun. M'lady is clever. (btw he doesn't have any feelings towards Lady ianite. He says m'lady out of respect) Tom threw the gun on the ground and screamed out of anger. Wow he seems really mad.

Tom: "Listen here, sparkly d*ck! I'm not f_____g around with you! "

Jordan: "Do I look like I don't know that?"

Tom: "Shut you f_____g smart mouth! You think your better then everyone. You think just because your God is close to being dead, you find that as an excuse to act like a sl*ty hoe!"

Jordan: "Maybe I do. I wouldn't know because i can't see myself from a 3rd person view"


Jordan: "That is just how I am"

Tom: "See! You find your God as an excuse!"

Jordan: "I didn't even mention her name."

Tom: "Still! You......You....."

Jordan: "Look I'd love to sit here and play charades, but I have to do something else right now...-"

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