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Toms POV
After I left Jordan's house, I decided to explore. There's not really a lot to do but discover a whole bunch of new things. Then I came across something very odd. There was a guy running around like a mad man. I walked up to him to see what was wrong.

Tom: "Yo! Who are you?!"

Farmer__Steve: "Well howdy. My name is Farmer__Steve! What might be your name?"

Tom: "I'm Tom! Your a farmer?! And your name is Steve?!"

Farmer Steve: "Why yes I am a farmer. And Steve is what my mama named me"

OMG BECKKKKY! This guy is cracking me up.

Tom: "What's wrong with you?! You seem like your going insane"

Steve: "Well, I need a worker. To help me with my farming things"

Tom: "F#@? Yeah! I'll do it!"

Steve: "Well that would be mighty great. You can first help me by, chopping down those apple orchards, and replanting 'em."

Tom: "I'm on it!"

I ran to sparklez house. Since I don't really have a house, I'll just borrow some stuff from sparklez. I opened up his door and he was working on his ME system. He didn't notice me. This if the perfect time to scare him! I walked slowly behind him. I grabbed his shoulder which made him jump. AND HE KICKED ME IN MY BALL SAKC! (I know that's not how you spell it. I'm just to lazy to fix it)It hurt like f#@?ing hell! (F#@?ing means F*cking) Wow. He kicks pretty good but still it f#@?ing hurt! When he noticed that it was me, he immediately had 'I'm so sorry' face.

Jordan: "What the hell was that Tom?!"

Tom: "I need to use an axe!"

Jordan: "And so you scared me"

Tom: "No...."

Jordan: "Then why the hell would I kick you then?"

Tom: "Okay I did try to scare u but, I seriously need to an axe"

Jordan: "Then go grab one"

A smile spreaded across my face. I always feel happy around him. He went back to work, and I ran down the hall. I grabbed an iron axe off the wall. I ran out of the house and ran to the apple orchards.

-Time skip-

Steve was walking back over here to check up on me.

Steve: "Wow mate. Your all done"

Tom: "Yeah"

Steve: "I need to talk to you mate. But you gotta promise to tell no one"

Tom: "What is it?"

Steve: "Your a dianite follower correct?"

Tom: "Yeah. I'm the only dianite follower living in a town filled with mianite followers."

Steve: "Well your not alone mate"

Tom: "What do you mean??"

Steve: "Keep this secret, I'm a Dianite follower"

Tom: "YOU ARE??"

Steve: "Yup. But don't tell the king or anyone!"

Tom: "Don't worry. I wont. Have you spoken to Dianite?"

Steve: "No. But, I do have something for you. It's called the 'cause'"

Tom: "What's the cause?!"

Steve: "You'll find out soon. But I have some stuff for you"

He handed me armor that looked like iron man suit. He handed me 3 books. I put on the armor but I was still confused on the books.

Steve: "And give this to your mate"

He handed me another book.

Tom: "What mate?!"

Steve: "Sparklez"

Tom: "Oh. Why him?! He isn't a dianite follower. You know that right"

Steve: "Don't you trust him?"

Tom: "Well yeah but-"

Steve: "This is the truth. And it's only meant for him to see. Only he can handle it"

Tom: "May I ask why?"

Steve: "Ianite stuff. If you or Sonja read it, one of you would start a war and Ianite and Jordan could have a major melt down and something bad will happen"

Tom: "Not to be rude, but why do you have so much faith in him. When I first met him, I didn't trust him at all because he wasn't on my side"

Steve: "It says in the book why I trust him. We must trust the Ianite follower. The history is real if he ask."

Tom: "Okay. Ill go give this to him"

I walked towards Jordan's house. Being myself, I really wanted to see what was in the book. I swung open the door and saw Jordan brewing potions. I gotta tell him about Farmer Steve!


Jordan: "Tom I'm right next to you. You don't need to yell. ,And where did you get the Iron man armor?"

Tom: "From Farmer Steve! He's a- I mean Secrets! Anyways, he knows something about the gods. And he wanted me to give you this. Apparently only you can read it"

He took the book from my hand and scanned through it. He sat down on the couch and kept reading it. He started to kind of freak out. He stared at the book for 15 minutes, then shut the book.

Jordan: "I see why he gave this to me....."


Jordan: "I ain't......"

I sat next to Jordan. He looks like he just saw his family get hit by a train. He just kinda sat there, looking depressed.

Tom: "Are you okay?"

Jordan: "I'm fine....."

Tom: "Then stop looking all depressed BRUH!"

Jordan: "It's just, everything in this book, depends on me now. It's not the best feeling in the world"

I pulled him into a hug. He's really warm. He hugged back and I heard him trying to keep in sobs. I hate to see him like this. He's a great guy, and he doesn't need to feel terrible. Suddenly, memories rushed back to my head. Like that one time I threw an egg at the back of his head, but helped him get it out. Like that one time I was at his house and the gods randomly jumped from the roof. When I realized my feelings towards him. How I died. When I woke up in his arms. When I first felt his lips on mine. (sorry creepy detail) Why am I just randomly getting these memories now?! I just noticed that Jordan was waving a hand in front of my face.

Tom: "Huh what?!"

Jordan: "You were staring for a good 15 minutes. You okay?"

I couldn't help myself. After all these memories, I just couldn't.......

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