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Sonja's POV (respawn back on)
I was sitting on my room pasting back and forth. I'm trying to think about how I can get sparklez all to myself. Then I hear a scream. Sh*t! I forgot about me shooting Tom! I need to find a way to make it seem like it wasn't my fault.....

Time skip to next day

I woke up and saw that Jordan wasn't awake yet. Great! I sprinted over to toms house.
I flung open the door but Tom wasn't there. I guess I can put up traps. Nah. I'll just wake up Jordan. By the time I get there though, it'll be late.
Toms POV
I woke up and I was next to Jordan on his bed. Then I felt a sharp pain in my head. Like I just got hit with a hammer. Everything turned black. I was surrounded by fire. Dianite was standing in front of me but outside of the ring of fire.

Dianite: "Naughty little boy..."

Tom: "Who the hell are u talking to?! I haven't done notin!"

Dianite: "You didn't listen to me"

Tom: "I don't have to listen to yo!"

Dianite: "Is that so?"

Tom: "Yeah!"

Dianite: "Well, I'm sure that I could change your mind...."

Tom: "No u really can't. I don't even know what your talking about."

Dianite: "I'm talking about Jordan!"

Tom: "Well I can't really remember much about him so calm ur tits down!"

Dianite: "But lady Ianite is trying to get you to remember. I can't have that...."

Tom: "Well I don't care! Whatcha gonna do about it!? No matter how hard u try someone is gonna say something!"

Dianite: "I know that. I just gotta somehow make Jordan to think your a threat."


Dianite: "We'll see....."

Jordan's POV
I woke up next to Tom. He isn't awake yet. I dragged myself out of my bed and downstairs. I see Sonja walking in the door. I just remembered that I'm p*ssed at her. I glared at her and she just had a little innocent look on her face.

Sonja: "What did I do this time?"

Sparklez: "Shut the hell up. You know"

Sonja: "Wow wow wow! Calm down! And I don't know what I did!"

Sparklez: "Oh really?! You had nothing to do with Tom? Huh?"

Sonja: "I-I-I.. I have an exploration!"

Sparklez: "Well start talking."

Sonja: "H-He was gonna uh..... He-He was Uh! He was gonna kill me!"

Sparklez: "Why did it take you so long to say that?!"

Sonja: "I-I!"

Sparklez: "Just leave me alone please...."

Sonja: "No! You can't be mad at me!"

Sparklez: "Yeah I know I cant! That's why I need you to leave me alone...."

I started to walk away but Sonja grabbed my wrist. I turned around. She crashed are lips together. I tried to pull away but she pinned me and my hands against the wall. "T-Tom" I managed to scream through the kiss. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Tom. He ran over to us and pushed Sonja off of me. I was gasping for air.

Tom: "What the hell Sonja?!"

Sonja: "Just havin a little fun. Right captain spoodles?"

Jordan: "Shut the hell up!"

Sonja: "Oh come on! Tom doesn't deserve you Jordan! Just give it up-"

Sonja was cut off by Tom throwing his sword at her.

'Omgitsfirefoxx has been slained by SynHD'

Toms POV
I just got so mad hearing that bitch keep talking so I just decided to kill her. We heard her respawn back inside her room.

Tom: "See Ya latter Jordan"

Jordan: "B-Bye"

I strutted out of there house.(You'll find out latter) I was walking to my house when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Tony standing behind me. (I hope that his name is tony. I forgot)


Tony: "EYYYYY!"

Tom: "How did you get here?"

Tony: "I was summoned by Dianite"

Tom: "Why?"

Tony: "Top secret"

Tom: "You seriously can't tell your boi ?!

Tony: "Yeah. Orders by dianite; but do you wanna blow somethin up?"

Tom: "Hell yeah!"

Tony: "Hmm... who's house should we blow up.... How bout, Waglingtons"

Tom: "Sure! C'mon lets get the stuff"

Tony: "And let's rig Sonja's and sparklez house! Maybe drop and anvil on there heads!"


I really was into this plan. (You'll find out in the next chapter probably why he is suddenly acting evil again)

Time skip
Jordan's POV

I was walking out of my room. I had to get my mind off of what Sonja did to me. I didn't even know she felt that way about me. I was about to grab my picaxe when I noticed a trip wire. I looked up and saw an Anvil attached to it. I just jumped over the trip wire. When I grabbed my picaxe I broke the wire with it. The anvil came crashing down. Thinks he so smart Huh? I felt someone's presents in the room.I knew exactly who it was.

Jordan: "Stop hiding Tom. I know your here"

Tom: "Sh*t!"

He drank a cup of milk that made him appear in front of me.

Jordan: "Really think that your that smart huh?"

Tom: "I didn't think that you were that smart!"

Jordan: "Don't think that I'm not.."

Tom: "Whatever"

A/N: Sorry I am experiencing a writers block. Please tell me some ideas for the story maybe. I can't really do much in tell the gods show up in the actual mianite season2. So please help

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