The Briefcase

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You hurriedly walk out of your apartment door and quickly lock the door behind you before hastily walking to the bank for work. When you finally arrive, you are met with a shout from your troublesome boss, "(L/N) GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW, AND MAKE ME SOME COFFEE!" You proceed to trudge up the stairs to your office; when you get there you place your bag down on your desk and walk towards your bosses door, with the coffee.  

When you knock on your bosses door with the coffee, you're were met with a stern"Come in", to which you quietly open the door and step in. Once you placed the coffee on his desk, you sat down across from him. He then started explaining what today's errands were, while he was explaining he took a sip from his coffee. Immediately he spat it out and glared at you shouting, "ARE AN IDIOT? I WANTED A CARAMEL MACCHIATO NOT A BLACK COFFEE!" Remaining calm you quietly apologised and began to take the papers on his desk, to the finance office downstairs.

While taking the papers down, you accidentally bumped into an important-looking man, who was carrying a briefcase. "I am so sorry" you whisper, still rattled by your bosses outburst, "no worries," the man said, giving you a reassuring smile, "You look stressed". You nod your head, "Let's sit down and have a chat," he says smiling. "Okay" you reply quickly. 

"First, what is your name?" he says curiously, "(Y/N) (L/N)" you say giving a small smile, "What is yours?" you say, "I am Osamu Miya" he replies. After talking to each other for around 10 minutes, you look at your watch and exclaim "Oh, I have to go, I have other jobs to do." You look up at Osamu, "Thank you for listening to me rant Miya-san", "No problem" he replies. As you get up you hear him say, "Would you like to get lunch with me today?", a bit startled you reply, "Urm, sure that would be nice". You quickly got up and turned your back on him, so he couldn't see you blush, and then you made your way back to your office. 

"Where were you?" your boss says dangerously, "I-I was taking the papers to the finance office as you asked", you stammered. "Is that so?" he drawled, backing you into the corner of his office, "What took you so long then?" "The finance workers there were quite busy, so I had to wait for a few minutes", you reply. "Ok, I will let you off this time; only because you didn't make me drag your ass back here," he said sinisterly. 

"Now get back to work!" 

"Okay, sir", you say timidly.

When it was finally your lunch break, you went down to the bank lobby to find Osamu. You spot him and start to make your over; however, as you get closer you notice he is on the phone, although you couldn't hear what he was saying, you could tell by his tone it was an important call. After he finished his phone call, you went over and said "You ready to go Miya-san?" 

"Yes, let's go now", he replies calmly. 

As you walked out of the bank you glance at him and swear you saw him nod at someone in the distance, but you choose to ignore it and carry on walking. 

Suddenly he asks "Where do you want to go for lunch?" "I don't mind", you simply respond. "I know where we should go", he smiles. "Okay, let's go", you say smiling back.

After walking a few blocks, you got a really bad gut feeling like something was off. Suddenly, you started sprinting back to the bank. When Osamu realised what you were doing he tried to grab your arm and stop you running; however, you carried on going, "STOP, DON'T GO BACK THERE!" he cries, but you don't listen. You carry on running back to the bank despite him trying to get you to stop.

As you turn the corner to the bank you're met with an enormous explosion. As you start to blackout you hear "You'll be fine (L/N)-san just stay with me, this wasn't supposed to happen", and then all you see is black.

Author's note: So this is the first chapter of my story, I hope you like it. I am sorry if the writing itself isn't good, or I used some terms wrong. I will update whenever possible. Urr I don't know what else to say, so until next time.

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