Fun Times

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(A/N): I am sorry if this chapter isn't great and just a cliché, but I am having a bit of writer's block and you know what, I don't care. So FUN TIMES  

Tut Mir Leid

~(Y/N) is now allowed to go out of the hospital and is heading to her room~

(Y/N) POV:

As you began to walk down the corridor to your room, you walk Suna. He grabs your arm and turns you to face him. 

"Hey, are you alright?" you question when he doesn't answer you say, "Suna I am your friend, you can tell me."

"I-I am sorry you were caught, and I didn't do anything." 

You look at reassuringly, "There was nothing you could, don't worry about it."

Once you have locked the door, you change in a ____ jacket, ____ top, ____ jeans and ____ shoes.

When your phone goes *ding, you look to see a message from Aran:

Smart Dude:

Can come to my office for questions in 5 minutes?

Cheap Skate:

Okay, I will head over now.

You head over to Aran's office, once you arrived you knocked a couple of times before you heard a clear, "Enter." After sitting down opposite him you ask him, "So what do you want to know?"

~Aran then asked you questions, which you answer as best you can. This time skip is brought to you by Suna's weed~ 

"Thank you for answering the questions", Aran says. 

"No problem", you reply.

While you are heading back to your room, you bump into Akagi, and the two of you were talking to each other when you felt dizzy.



"I don't feel so good."

The two of you stop walking, "What's wrong?"

"I-I feel dizzy", you slur.

You then start to fall forward, before Akagi catches you.

"Oh fudge oh fudge."

(A/N): You know Disney channel rated content here. :P

Akagi picks you up and begins to carry you to the hospital. On the way, he passes Osamu, "Why are you holding (Y/N)?"

"She said she felt dizzy, and then passed out."

Osamu holds out his arms, "Let me take her."


"Just do it."

"Okay then, but take her straight to the hospital ward", Akagi says as he hands you over to Osamu.

"I will", Osamu reassures him, he then begins jogging to the hospital ward, careful not to hurt you in any way.

~Time Skip to you in the hospital, brought to you by Atsumu's sniping skills~

Osamu's POV

The doctor said (Y/N) was in a coma from her head being hit when the car crashed; however, for an unknown reason, the effect was delayed. I sit by her bed holding her hand, and all I can think is, 'ALL THIS IS MY FAULT. I AM THE REASON THIS HAPPENED.' 

Suna's POV: (I know but why not?)

When I heard (Y/N) was in a coma I started to run to the hospital ward, when I was outside her door I peered in and saw Osamu sitting there on the verge of tears. As soon as I walk in, he looks up and puts on a stoic expression. I sit on the opposite side of (Y/N)'s bed and watch him watch (Y/N)'s peaceful face, oblivious to the hurting man that loves her.

"Osamu", I say, he looks up at me with the same unchanging expression, I look at (Y/N), "I-I should have done something, I wanted to help I really did. I am supposed to be her friend but I failed at the basic thing, keeping her safe."

"Suna don't blame yourself, we don't need two feeling guilty. Besides, if you had tried anything Slug would have slit her throat. So at let's look at the bright side, she is alive, not dead."

"That is a good point, I guess", I reply wearily.

"Beside (Y/N) wouldn't have wanted either of you feeling guilty", says a voice from the doorway. When we turn around, we realise it was Atsumu. 

"Hey", you say, whereas Osamu stayed silent. Atsumu sat down at the end of the bed, "It's like a gathering for a funeral." 

Osamu then gets up and smacks Atsumu round the back of the head. 

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Just keep your mouth shut for once", Osamu growled.

"Fine fine, jeez I was just trying to lighten the mood."

(Y/N) POV:

You can hear voices around you.

You can't move.

You can't see it.

All you can do is hear people. 

You recognise one of the three voices.

You want to scream but you can't speak no matter how hard you try.

You crave to run but you can't move no matter how hard you try.

All you can do is listen to the unknown voices.

You want to shout out to the only person, whose voice you recognise is Osamu Miya's.

~(Y/N) was in a coma for a few weeks; causing the rest of the gang to not do much work, and realise how attached they became in the few weeks they knew her~

Osamu's POV:

I was sitting by (Y/N) holding her hands in mine like normal when I saw her slightly shift. Immediately I started to call people in, in the meantime, I slightly pinched her arm. To my delight, she flinched slightly. 

"Yes (Y/N), wake up please wake up!"

People came rushing in, as her eyelids started to flutter the doctors start to check her machines. Suddenly, her eyelids flew open and she shot up, into a sitting up position. She started to look around frantically until she saw me.

"Osamu where am I, and who are these people?"

I look back at her in confusion, "(Y/N) these are your friends, and we are in HQ's hospital." She looks at me confused, and her eyes start to water, "Osamu stop joking. Where am I?" 

I look at her shocked, "(Y/N) please stop joking, you know who these people are, and we are in HQ's hospital." 

She starts to try and get up, but Suna gently tells her to stay down so that she can fully heal. When I looked at her I saw she looked absolutely terrified. She looks me in the eye and cried out, "Osamu please I'm begging you, tell me where I am. And whose these people are."

I mutter, "You really don't remember." I looked at the doctor, who then said, "(Y/N) appears to have amnesia."

"No sugar", grumbles Atsumu.

Hehe, the Disney Channel be like...

"So (Y/N) what do you last remember?"

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