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You suddenly wake up to a throbbing on the back of your head, letting a groan you look up to see a man in the corner of the room reading. "Where am I?" you whisper. Looking up from his book, you realise it is Osamu, "You are in the HQs hospital, so you are safe now" he says wearily. "Urm ok?" you say, 'I need to get out of here', you think as you drift oft again into sweet unconsciousness.

Abruptly, you are woken up by a hard flick on the forehead. "Ow," you yelp, "What was that for?" "Well, you need to be awake for the questioning", a man said. As your eyes focus you can see that this is someone you haven't met before; this man had cropped black hair and dark skin. "Questioning?" you reply confused. "Yes, you need to be questioned" he replies. "W-What f-for?" you say nervously. "(Y/N) (L/N), you really should already know what you are being questioned for." You gulp and reply "Sir I really have no idea what you are talking about". "Very well, I shall tell you why you are being questioned," he says harshly.

He then went on to explain that the bank you worked at was secretly funding an illegal weapons factory run by a man known as Bushida Danuja.

"Oh okay, that would explain why we made so many donations to a certain company", you say. "I will tell you what I know", you say nervously.

"Okay first question", you then answered all the questions as best as you could, barely keeping your poker face together. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After what felt like an eternity of asking questions the man finally seemed to be done. He then called two other people in.

You notice one of the men that walked in looked exactly Osamu, apart from he had gold hair instead of silver. You look between the two with confusion, until Osamu said "(Y/N)-san this is my brother Atsumu Miya". You give an understanding nod.

Osamu than said, "The man that questioned you is called Aran Ojiro, and the two men that just walked in consisted of my brother Atsumu and Rintarō Suna." You look up at the pair and introduce yourself. After a minute of silence, Suna states, "We have orders to ask you if you want to join our mafia group, sooo do you?" Looking up at him in shock you say "What!" He repeats himself "Do you want to join out Mafia group?".

'This mans can't be serious', you think; however, by his facial expression you realise he is completely serious.

After a long pause, you say "Sure why not." Atsumu came over and patted you on the back, "Let me show you to your room then", he said while smirking. You look up at him in shock, before Aran steps in saying "He is kidding, by the way, at least he better be."

As soon as you stepped out of the room, you start to sprint down the corridor and call an Uber to pick you up.

Osamu's POV:

As soon as Aran opened the door to let us out, (Y/N) started to sprint down the corridor to escape; however, before the others could run after her I order, "Let's see how far she gets first, and order the guards to not stop her escaping", they looked at me with confusion, and I calmly said, "You'll see."

(Y/N)'s POV:

As you were running, you noticed that there were no guards anyway. 'Don't think about it, you just have got to get to the uber, and then I will make my way to the airport to back to England' you think to yourself.

When you get to the front gates, you see your uber and get in. "Where too?" the driver asks, "The closest airport please" you reply. "That is quite far, so we may have to make a stop on the way", the driver replies.

"That isn't a problem as long it's only a quick stop."

The car gets going, and you finally relax and put your earphones in. As you listen to an album by (F/S). You start to drift oft to sleep.

You awaken to see yourself being carried across the car park of a petrol station; as you rub the sleep out of your eyes, you see Osamu carrying to a car. Before you have the chance to cry out for help he puts his hand over your mouth to muffle your cries, and gently smiles saying "Please don't be scared I am trying to keep you safe." You saw he looked genuine so you stopped struggling.

Once he placed you in the safety of his car you saw Atsumu was in the driver's seat. "We want you to call us by out given names so that it isn't confusing when you address us", Atsumu said. "Okay", you whisper, "But why are you trying to keep me safe, is there someone after me?" Osamu was the one to speak then, "You'll find out all in good time, but first we need to get back to HQ."

As the car starts to head to the exit of the car park you exclaim, "Wait, what about the uber driver, I haven't paid him yet a-and won't he worry about where I have gone?" "We have left the money on the driver's seat, and left him a note saying you decided to check into the hotel by the petrol station."

You simply yawn and reply "At least you paid him".

Decision  At Gunpoint (Osamu Miya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now