The Rescue

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(Y/N) POV:

With the blindfold on, I can't see anything, only darkness.

With my arms and legs tied up, I can't move from the back seat, only wriggle around. 

After what felt like an eternity of silence, Slug spoke, "You're going to have fun at HQ." You stop squirming and try to talk, but all that comes out is a croaky whisper. 

"Hmm, You don't have a choice, considering you're coming in the car."

You let out a small whimper. 

You turn to the voice and say, "I guess." 

He replies, "Good girl."

Osamu's POV:

Suna had returned from the ball and is currently sleeping in his room. I am making a plan with Atsumu and the others. 

"It is a good thing we never removed her tracking chip isn't it", Kasaku said. 

On the screen, you all see and a small blue dot appears, moving down the highway. "Located her", states the technician.


(Y/N) POV:

You had fallen asleep, and now you were stirring. Judging by the lack of car sounds, you concluded that you were on an isolated road. 

"Someone had a nice sleep", Slug commented, you groan at this.

~5 minutes later~

All of a sudden you felt the car swerve off the road and crash into an unknown object. You feel your body lurch forward, and wack into the seat in front. 

As you start to blackout, you could hear voices talking urgently; however, you can't make out what they were saying, then you go numb.

Osamu's POV:

Atsumu sniped the front right wheel of the car Slug was driving, and the car swerved off the road and crashed into a large tree. From my view, I saw (Y/N) get flung forward, and whack into the seat in front of; I wince when I realise how painful that could have been for her. 

As we rush forward, Slug staggers out of the car and grins, "Astalavista Suckers!" he proceeds to throw down a smoke bomb, obstructing the soldier's views. By the time the smoke cleared he was gone. 

Overall the mission had been a success, but a whole lot had been compromised. 

Atsumu and I run over to where (Y/N) was lying, and drag her out. I take off her blindfold and call for some first-aid. Once she had had basic treatment we called the chopper. Once (Y/N) was securely strapped in, the Atsumu and I got in, whereas the soldiers piled into cars. 

(A/N): I know the isn't any detail of (Y/N) being kidnapped, but I don't know what to do about it. hehe sorry 

~2 hours later you get back to HQ and (Y/N) is taken to the HQ's hospital~ 

I walked into the room (Y/N) was resting in, and sit by her bed. She was still unconscious, so I silently watched her rest, tucking the hair by her eye behind her ear. After 5 or so minutes, (Y/N) begins to stir. 

When she sat up I gave her a hug and whisper, "You promised to stay safe." She looks down at me and begins to stroke my hair, she whispers back, "Well I am here aren't I?"

I look at her and start to cry into her chest, with her gently playing with my hair, whispering reassurance. After about 10 minutes I look up and notice she has drifted off to sleep, I gently pull away and kiss her forehead. 

As I close the door, I turn around to see Atsumu staring at me.

"Want to tell me what happened?" 

I place my hand on my forehead, "Not particularly Atsumu." I try and walk away but Atsumu blocks my path.

"Tell me now."

"Why should I?"

"I will go after (Y/N)."

"You wouldn't dare", I growl.

"Oh I would", he smirks.

"What do you even want me to say?"

"Tell me everything."

I groan, "Fine! But only if you leave me alone afterwards, and we talk about this in my room."

"Okay okay, let's go."

The two of us walk back to my room in silence. When we arrive Atsumu lies down on my bed, leaving me my chair, "Gee, thanks Atsumu."

"Your welcome", he smiles.

"So what happened?"

~Osamu tells Atsumu what happened, apart from him kissing your forehead~

(A/N): Making this chapter has been hell. So I'm sorry it is mostly Osamu's POV, and not great. I had no idea what to write, so I am sorry it is quite short. 

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