Build Up

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The next morning you got up and headed towards the door, you read today's plan and then headed towards the bathroom. You then did your normal morning routine and picked up some comfy clothes for breakfast, so you didn't risk getting the dress dirty. 

When you arrived at the cafeteria, you noticed Suna had done the same thing. Once you had got your food you sat down next to him, to discuss the photoshoot. After a few minutes, Aran sat down at the table. 

All three of you then talked about the mission and the photoshoot, until you and Suna got up to leave.

"Cya at the photoshoot", you say. 


You get back to your room and change into the dress, you then put on the necklace, and walk to the room Kita told you to go to. As soon as you entered the room Suna walked up to you, "You ready to be blinded?" "As ready as I'll ever be", you sigh.

The two of you stand in front of the white background, as the photographer introduces himself, "I am Chiko Nakamura, I have experience in photography so I will be taking the photos. I am sorry if what I tell you to do sounds weird, I will take a lot of different photos, so we have a variety to pick from." 

You and Suna nod your heads in understanding and wait for instructions. 

"Okay, first Suna put your arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder, and (Y/N) place your arm around Suna's waist. Oh and stand close together." 

You and Suna looked at each other and did what he said. 

"Now look at each other, like you're in love."

You look Suna in the eyes and let out an awkward laugh, "I am sorry, this is just so weird."

"This is weird", he says, "Now take a deep breath and look me in my eyes." He stares you right in the eye, and you burst out laughing. 

Once you had gained your composure, you looked at him again, barely holding in a laugh. After you heard the click, you look away and start chuckling, and he joins in.

This carries on for another hour before Nakamura finally says, I think we have finished now. Both you and Suna let out a sigh of relief, as you walked out of the room. 

"I doubt there will be any good ones of me, I mean don't you find it so hard to smile for photos? I always look really uncomfortable", you groan. "Same, I mean when people say to just SMILE I always do a psychopath smile by accident", he replies.  

The two of you walk back to your own rooms and change into training clothes. You then meet up at the training room, to do some training. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Training with Suna is over, and you have a few hours till lunch. To keep you going, you grab a Twix from the little cupboard in your room.

Author's note: If you don't know what a Twix is, look it up, but they are so good. :D

~For the next three weeks you all trained non-stop to be prepared for the mission~

The evening before the mission you heard your phone dinging, it was from a group chat that Atsumu made called, Mission Impossible.


Okay first, why is my name Falcon?

Nevermind, we have a meeting in half an hour to discuss the mission.


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