Dress Shopping

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You get back to your room and grab ¥4500 and place it in your purse. You grab your coat and purse and walk out the door.

When you had walked out the HQ doors you spot the Miya's standing by a Black Audi. You walk up to them, "Let's get going now", you smile. All of you get in the car, Osamu driving, you in the passenger seat, and Atsumu in the seat behind Osamu.

Once you had driven out of the HQ Atsumu asks, "Can we listen to music?", "Sure", Osamu replies handing him his phone, Atsumu precedes to play songs by the Imagine Dragons.

Author's note: Don't ask, I was listening to them while writing this chapter. Play Natural while reading, please I just found it funny.

As you and Atsumu started vibing to the music occasionally harmonising to the start of Natural, while Osamu sang the lyrics. Once it got the chorus Atsumu and Osamu started going off, and just taking it turns to sing, while you were just drumming on the glove compartment. 

By the time you all arrive in town, you are all laughing, including Osamu, which makes you feel heart feel warm. You ignore it and get out of the car, once you had all got out, the three of you headed towards the first store; however, you were attracting quite a lot of attention as you were with two good looking twins. You laughed at the attention since Osamu seemed oblivious to the looks he was getting, whilst Atsumu was soaking up the attention like a sponge.

Author's note: My English teacher would be so proud, that I used a simile. haha

You all arrived at the first shop and walked in, immediately you were surrounded by all sorts of dresses, ranging from tight dresses to poofy dresses. 

The one that immediately caught your eye was:

The one that immediately caught your eye was:

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You walked up to it and felt the soft fabric. Osamu walked over, "You like this one don't you?" Once you nodded your head he said, "Try it on then." You took the dress with you to the changing room to try it on. 

When you walked out you swore you saw Atsumu's nose bleed, before he quickly covering his face with his arm, whereas Osamu's cheeks were turning a light shade of pink. 

"Does it look good?" you question. "I-It looks amazing", Osamu stammers before looking away. "Atsumu, what do you think?" "You look really pretty", he says shyly. "Aww, thank you my dudes", you say, "I am going to change into my other clothes now." You go back to the changing room to get changed.

Author's note: Just to clear some things up, in Osamu's POV when he says I, not you, this is because I find it easier writing from his perspective that way.

Osamu's POV:

'Wow, she was pretty.' 

I look over at my brother, whose nose was bleeding, "Atsumu are you okay?", he looks at me, "Yeah I am fine, but wow she is pretty" he responds. I nod in agreement, "Yeah she is."

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