Double Trouble

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"I-I remember everything!"

(Y/N)'s POV:

They turn in shock, "You remember?" Osamu questions, grabbing your soldiers. You look at him and smile, you nod your head. 

"Yes", Atsumu yells, causing people around, to look at your group alarmed.  

"Do you remember all that has happened since the explosion?"

~Time skip to the three of you walk into a cafe after walking around the city for a while~

As you opened the door and walked in, you heard a faint tinkle of the bell above the door. Atsumu stands in front to get a table, while you and Osamu stand behind him awkwardly. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice two waitresses eyeing the twins and giggling, causing you to grip Osamu's arm. 

You didn't realise this but when you started gripping his arm, Osamu felt like wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer.

The three of you walk towards a booth, you and Osamu sit on one side, with Osamu sitting on the aisle said, Atsumu sat across from the two of you and picked up the menu. 

After a few minutes, a waitress comes over and starts to take your orders, you realise it was one of the women who were eyeing the twins, causing you to tense up slightly. The waitress gladly takes the twins orders before turning to you with a big fake smile. "And what would you like?" she says through gritted teeth. 

"Can I have (F/F) and a large (F/D), please", you say beaming. "Okay coming right up", she says in a sickly sweet voice. As she walked away, you notice she winks at Osamu, which makes you feel angry inside.

Whilst the three of you waited for your food, Atsumu texted Kits to inform him you had got your memory back. 

A different waitress brought the food to your table, politely handing each of you the food, however, you notice her attitude slightly changing when she was face to face with Atsumu. She started making small talk with him and began to casually flirt, unsurprisingly he flirted back. 

You all started eating and after a few minutes you got up, "Hey Osamu can you let me pass, please." He moved out of the way, allowing you to pass. 

As you're finishing up in the bathroom you hear two voices come in, you are about to leave when you hear them mention "Twins." Once you heard them mention that you thought it was probably better if you stayed put.

After quickly peeping over the bathroom stall, you realised it was the two girls from before. You sat down on the toilet and listened to their conversation, "Hey you know those cute twins. I wonder what they're called."

The other replied, "I think one is called Atsumu, and the other is called Osamu."

"Ooo, those are cute names, too bad we don't know who is who. Hey Hana."

"Yes, Emica?"

"What should we do about the girl with them?" Emica inquired, "I mean she doesn't appear to be dating either of them, but she seems close with the one you have your eyes on."

"That dog will not get my man", Hana hissed. ;)

"Hey, Hana."

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