Chapter 12: The Escape Pt. 1

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Chapter 12:

€¥€ The Escape €¥€

Narrator's P.O.V

Soon guards with spears, bows and arrows, ropes, silver chains and a net started coming in. They looked at me as if I was a wild animal. If and when I change back, I'll make sure they all get punished for treating me this way on my birthday.

This was beginning to be the worst 18th birthday ever!

The intensively trained guards rushed in ready for action with weapons at attention. They surround the albino lioness with precise tactical movement. The lioness growled in defiance and surprise. The human in her had already began calculating the danger surrounding her. Princess Maha still wasn't in full control of her strange yet powerful new animal body. She didn't know the full extent of the power in her but she wasn't completely helpless. She had claws and a mouth full of canines. However, she knew there was no use in fighting with the guards, they were experts at killing and taming lions, but the warrior in her would not let her go down without a fight.

Riza sobbed loudly in sorrow, thinking that the sudden lioness had killed her somewhat adopted child. She had searched high and low for the Princess before finally settling to the garden, where she stumbled onto a ferocious animal. It had probably eaten her whole! Look at the size of that monster. She thought bitterly from afar as she watched the warriors commence the take down.

The leader of the guards whose face had a variety of face paint, with spear raised high, approached the lioness with caution and confidence. The rest of the guards began chanting deeply, the rhythmic music of combat. Knowing the sound all too well, Maha growled as she crouched in readiness. Suddenly, a large black net was thrown over her. Yelping, Maha scampered and tried to tear at the strong web in desperation but she only seemed to get more entangled in it. The guards took advantage of her sudden weakness and soon, with raised war cries, they all pounced on her. 2 held each paw while the rest worked to tie her jaws shut. Soon they had a thick silver chain collar on her neck along with chains binding her paws. Maha tried to struggle as she was carried and dragged into a cage but soon she was sedated into a deep burning sleep. The Argentium (Silver) in the chain was like fire to her skin. She wondered what would become of her as she fell unconscious.

The King and Queen were by the large crystal glass window watching the villagers celebrate their beloved daughter's birthday when they were suddenly alerted that a strange albino lioness had been found in the royal garden.

The King, unaware of Princess Maha's absence, was pleasantly surprised. He grabbed his Queen's hands in astonishment and said, "Surely, this is a sign from the heavens. An albino lioness is a very rare and beautiful creature. This must mean nothing but good fortune!"

Not waiting for a reply from his wife, the King turned towards the guard. "Take me to it." He commanded. He strode out the crystal tower room after the man with his white and gold royal robe flying behind him. His Queen stayed behind with a shocked expression on her exotic face. Surely it can't be true. She thought as she began pacing, her sturdy frame shaking with disbelief. The stories are all a myth. Right? It can't be. I've done everything she told me to..... I listened to her dreams.... I gave her the healing tea.... It could just be a stray lion.... No. The signs are all there. I should escape before it gets worse and they discover that it's Maha but I can't leave my daughter, my child.... Let me see her one last time. It's all I can do. Unless....

So with a shaky inhale, the worried Queen turned towards the lioness with a new mission in mind.

The Queen walked briskly and quietly towards the underground dungeon. She was no stranger to the hidden room because she had gotten her first pet tiger, Puma, down there. Queen Yaa hid behind the shadows of the large door and waited patiently for the King to finish admiring the unconscious lioness. A few minutes later, the King stormed out with the guards who had mentioned, as subtly as they could, that the Princess was nowhere to be found.

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