Chapter 3: Content and Respected

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Chapter 3:

€¥€ Content and Respected €¥€

'Today was excruciating and who knows what tomorrow would bring but a feast awaits for me. I should be happy........ right?'

The rain was slowly letting up and the newborn morning light slowly rose as did many other animals. After getting up, stretching and yawning, I said a quick prayer; thanking God for blessing me enough to wake up this morning and asking for his protection throughout the day.

Praising and thanking God was one of those things my mother was serious about, making sure to instill it in me and for that I was extremely grateful.

My stomach rumbled and that could mean only one thing. I needed food.

Last night as the rain started to become heavy, I had searched for any kind of shelter and ended up settling under the thick cascading leaves from a huge tree. It was wide enough to protect me and my dead elephant and that was enough for me. It had been a cold night and sleep was hard to find, but somehow I managed to make a fire and it made the night more bearable. I strangely had no dream but I felt watchful eyes on me. It could've been one of the Kiniko's but I wasn't too close to their territory so that wouldn't make much sense.

Looking around my surroundings, I pondered on how to get food. I spotted fruits, bread and cooked meat on a leaf next to my kill. Cautiously, I made my way over and looked over at the gathered portion. The meat and bread looked recently cooked and was still warm.

"Who could've brought this here?" I wondered out loud. Whomever it was I extended my gratitude towards them and didn't hesitate at all in devouring my meal. It was so delicious and I could almost jump for joy as I felt my energy return. No feast could compare. Speaking of feast, I had to hurry home. I knew my absence would cause alarm to my kingdom.

The dead elephant was starting to produce an unpleasant stench but I decided that once I got home, I would get the ivory from its tusks and have it made into a hairpin and perhaps some new bow tips. I would rather make use of every single part of it than just let it rot.

Suddenly, I remembered Fahim's words. 'You only need 2-3 animals'.

That means I need one more. Just then a deer strolled by as if it read my thoughts. It amazed me how quick it happened but I didn't waste any time in killing it. "Forgive me." I said as I took my bow and arrow out and aimed for it. My arrow flew forth and pierced it's target, the deer immediately fell down. I sighed, knowing it would be a tiring journey dragging the animals home as it was necessary to bring the animals home for evidence of my achievement and so that they do not rot.

The rain had finally stopped and it was bright enough to begin my trip back home. Adding my recent kill on top of the elephant, I continued following my trail home. I had scratches all along my arms, dried brown blood covered my body and clothes, my hair and ornament were a mess but I didn't care, I had done what I had came here for. One thing still bothered me though and his name was Owie. How could Kinikos exist? If I tell anyone, they surely won't believe me and if they do then Owie might be in danger. I resolved to keep it to myself.

The walk home seemed to be longer than I had remembered it to be but slowly things started becoming familiar. The okere's (Squirrel's) footprint strangely enough was still there and that's when I knew I was almost home.

I know Riza asked me to only ring it for emergency but i was ecstatic to be home. I took my bell out and rang it like a crazy fool. Brrinnggg Brrinnngg Brrinnggg echoed all around. I heard war cries almost immediately. Boom! Boom! went the drums.

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