Chapter 4: Ugly and Arrogant

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Chapter 4:

€¥€ Ugly and Arrogant €¥€

'They had come to see me, I realized. They threw lulú and flower petals at me. My mother blew kisses at me, my brother danced like a fool and my father...... well he smiled at me. A true genuine smile and at that moment I was Content. I raised my spear up and raised a war cry.'

-Play the music ❤️-

"Owww, that stings!" I winced as the strong scent of tii epo (tea tree oil) reached my nose and was patted onto my cut. The doctor had earlier assured me it would be a quick sting but it still didn't prepare me for the unpleasant tingling sensation.

As I sat here, I wondered how Riza had managed to get me here. The moment I had stepped into the palace and was placed back on the ground, Riza had wasted no time in capturing me within her grasp. Escorting me back into my room, I had gone through all sorts of unneeded and exhausting pampering.

It was now slightly quiet since the merry crowd of people had gone home to prepare for the celebration that was to take place tonight. The whole village was currently being decorated with scented candles that would be lighted at night and with other beautiful necessities that would enhance the whole village. Along with that, the whole palace smelled of delicious food coming from the royal kitchen.

To make matters even more spectacular, it was a lovely day to celebrate. The light breeze flowing from outside and through the white curtains was refreshing and calm. The waterfall could be heard and even the healing tree surprisingly blossomed a few flowers.

There was always something to celebrate in our small kingdom, whether it was a hunt or the birth of a new child, everyone always found a reason to be joyous. This only made me even more eager for my birthday, it would be an even more grander celebration than this.

"There is so much to do in so little time. How did you get so much cuts on you? There is lulú and leaves all over your hair, it's going to be a straining task washing all that color off. And what is that odor?" Riza had fussed. She came over and sniffed me and nearly fainted. "This is unacceptable, dried blood?! Oh Princess." She said rubbing her temples.

I worry that perhaps she may need to rest, but knowing Riza's character, she'll most likely rebuke that thought before i even suggested it.

"It's not a big deal Riza, honestly. You could always wash the blood and powder off and you know I heal fast, so the cuts would be taken care of. And I have an entire hand-sewn wardrobe filled with clothes I've never even seen, so you don't need to worry about what I'd wear." I had said trying to reassure her.

"You make it sound so easy, Princess. The celebration is tonight, your mother gave specific instructions to have you looking your best. The clothes has been taken care of already, thankfully. But after seeing all these bruises and cuts, it really unnerved me. Forgive my outbursts, Princess."

After more fussing, she had finally calmed down once I satisfied her idea of what she believed was clean. Immediately after wrapping me up in soft cloth, she had called my reserved doctor to quickly tend to my wounds.

Currently my legs, which was propped up on a pillow, were being attended to by Azula, my doctor. At the same time, the other maids rubbed coconut oil through my hair and dressed my hair with an extravagant headdress. Everyone scurried about doing who knows what and Azula concealed the already healing gash made by the tusks of the elephant.

"Please pardon me Princess, I know it stings but the pain shall leave as fast as it came."

I winced as I watched her steady wrinkly hands dab the oil on my cut. Half of the wounds I had seemed to appear out of nowhere, I had not even noticed it before. Azula was an aging woman who had grown up all her life in the ways of a doctor and of course, she had been the apprentice of the former doctor who had treated the late princesses.

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