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€¥€ Prologue €¥€

"Wait for me!" Princess Maha screamed while running after the older kids. The kids, unaware of Maha's presence, were eager to play since they have just been released from the agonizing pain of sitting in the boring classroom of ile iwe(school).

"I want to play too." She cried out as she tripped on a branch that fell from the nearby tree. After falling on the hot dry ground, Maha felt a sharp sting on her knee and watched dark red blood ooze out from the cut. She cried even louder, not because this was her first painful wound but because her only chance of making friends was now too far out of reach. The enthusiastic, screaming children, too busy soaking up their freedom to care, had left her to her own misery. After all, she never got to play with the other kids -nor was she allowed to- since she was the "precious little princess" of their large village.

"Princess Maha! Please stop running, you are going to get dirty and.... OHH!!! Your knee!" Riza, her personal servant, exclaimed out of breath from running after Maha. Riza stared at the wound in disbelief, how had she let this little girl trick her into sneaking outside the palace and now here she was crying with a cut in her knee.

Maha turned towards the direction of Riza's voice and suddenly she felt ashamed and regretful because she knew that Riza was going to get punished for her carelessness.

Riza was basically a second mother to her and was the only one brave and willing to bring her outside the palace to the village. Her older brother Prince Taharqa (Ta-har-ka) was too busy training on becoming the future king to even think about leaving the palace and the other servants weren't as brave.

"I'm sorry Riza, I just wanted to play with the other kids like Zuli, Liama and everyone else does...." Maha cried. Riza, feeling sorry for the lonely girl, carefully patted her on the back since it was a taboo for a servant to hug a princess.

"I know Princess, but you know that it is not possible. For you are royalty and they are just mere peasants, such friendship cannot take place. That is the harsh but solid rule of the kingdom." She explained as she placed the medical herbs backs in her pouch.

Riza, who already finished cleaning and bandaging Maha's knee, bent down onto her knees and palms waiting for the princess to sit on her back. Maha knowing the routine sat on her back and held onto Riza's neck as she stood back up. Riza grabbed the basket of groceries and began walking towards the secret passageway used by palace servants. Maha didn't reply after Riza's explanation but in her heart she felt deprived and hated that. She vowed to herself to somehow change that pathetic law when she was older.


King Okomfo and Queen Nana Yaa sat on their throne with the village council elders and Okomfo's other 2 wives, Aurora and Isis. The elders and the 2 wives sat in a horizontal line on the beautiful silk, cushioned mats on the floor. They were all in a deep meeting discussing the future of the King's children, completely unaware of Maha's absence.

"Prince Taharqa shall soon be king in several more years. We must start selecting a queen that will rule with him otherwise our village will not prosper." King Okomfo said wanting to make sure his village would not suffer when he passes the throne.

Nowaka, one of the weakest, shortest and cunning elders was quick to reply. "Your Majesty, i have 6 strong and willing daughters. I have personally trained them myself and know that each of them would bring happiness to our village with their beauty, innocence and intelligence. I volunteer my eldest Mina to be his bride."

The rest of the elders disagreed and started arguing as to how their daughters were better fit to being the future Queen. Queen Nana Yaa decided to speak after hearing each elder trying to advertise his daughter, clapping her hands for silence, she said "You shall bring me each of your daughter you feel would make the perfect queen, only royal blood of course, and from there I shall test and train them for however long I feel necessary. Whoever passes my test shall be crowned and would be the wife to my child."

King Okomfo looked at his beautiful Queen in admiration and was proud of her for taking up the responsibility on selecting the future Queen. To the left of the King, the other jealous wives sneered at Nana Yaa.

"Well then, it's settled." King Okomfo said while turning back to the Council. "Another case we have is my little Princess, though she is still young we need to find a male born of royal blood that would be joined with her in holy matrimony."

It was silent as there was no male Maha's age born of royal blood except for Nowaka's son, Omari and everyone knew Nowaka was a devious little man. Nowaka on the other hand had a smile as wide as a banana knowing exactly what that meant..........


Picture on the left = Baby Maha

Picture on the right = Queen Nana Yaa and King Okomfo

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