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"Mila? I'm...we're trusting you to tell us when you need to see a doctor."

She layed on the couch still clenching the blanket.

"I don't know. The d-doctor said that there would be some d-discomfort but..." She shivered once again making Demi pull her in tighter against her own body.

"Camila, I think we should take you to the hospital, just to get you checked out. Okay?" Demi sat up wrapping the blanket around her whilst helping her to her feet.

"You alright to walk Mila?" I wrapped my arm around her body guiding her across the room.

Just as I was about to grab the door handle, it swung open revealing Hailee.

"Woah you okay Mila?" Her face soon turned to worry.

"We're taking her to the hospital, she's not feeling to well. We thought it would be wise." She understood immediately and held the door for Demi, Camila and I.

She decided to come along with us as well. Leaving just Normani, Lauren and Dinah on the bus with no idea what was going on. We probably should have told them where we were going.

I pulled out my phone as we sat in the car on the way to the hospital.

Me- hey DJ we're taking Mila to the hospital to get her checked out. Could you tell the other's?"

Dinah Jane- Ok girl! Promise to call as soon as you get her in! Is my little choncho okay?

Me- I will I promise! I'm not sure.

When we finally made it to the hospital Mila was wide awake, shivering and sweating up a lot, although she felt extremely cold.

She could barely walk from the car through to the hospital needing Demi and Hailee to help her.

"Excuse me?!" I yelled over the wide reception desk. No one was there.

Demi and Hailee sat Camila down on the black waiting chairs lining the white wall across from the desk.

In the corner of my eye I could see a figure dressed in dark blue scrubs.

"Can I help you?" I turned to see a women about my age, holding a clip board in her right hand

"Yes! My friend's sick!" Motioning to the small girl leaning back on the chair in between the two girls.

"Okay. What type of pain is she experiencing?" She knelt down in front of Camila.

"Well she is going through chemotherapy. Her first...appointment was I think two days ago?" I looked up to Mila's face for correction. She nodded in response.

"OK. Let's get you up and take you through to get your vitals checked.

The blonde guided us through to the nearest room, helping Mila lie down on the bed that looked enormous compared to Camila's body size.

The nurse checked various things like blood pressure and response stuff. I guess. I'm not a doctor so I wouldn't know!

A few minute's later a doctor came into the room and directed her words word's to the nurse.

"Alright let's insert an IV and check vitals regularly."

She then turned to Camila and the two girl's who had found themselves chairs quite quickly. I took a seat next to Mila on the edge of the bed.

"Hi Miss Cabello, my name's Doctor Shepherd. But you can call me Amelia. Now your vitals are quite low as a result from your chemotherapy. We will keep you in over night for observation, and we will give you an IV drip. Don't worry this happens to a lot of people with your condition, we will most likely release you tomorrow morning." She smiled before placing her clipboard on the railing of the bed and walking out.

The Wake Up Calls (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now