Chapter 20-

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Camila didn't hang around the dressing room after the show, she took off pretty quickly. We all showered and got changed to go back to the bus but Normani and Dinah took like 10 years doing their hair so we ended up hanging around for an hour and a half!
I would have gone off at them and threatened to hurt them but I was just too tired and wanted to see Camila.
"Come on guys! Let's go!" I was getting really impatient.
"Chill girl! What's the rush?" Dinah shoved her stuff into her bag.
"I'm just really tired so can we please HURRY UP." She rolled her eyes at me and flicked her hair over dramatically to the side.
When we finally got back to the bus it was almost 1:30 in the morning. Thank god we actually got to have a sleep in in the morning because we didn't  have a show the next day.
We all piled onto the bus without any energy at all. All the crew that stayed on the bus with us were already in their bunk with the curtains pulled across. Even Camila's was closed.
It didn't take me long to crawl into my bunk and crash out. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

I woke up exhausted. I pulled my curtain open and jumped down from my bunk making my way out to the stadium. Even though we don't have a show we still all get together and have breakfast and then we have rehearsals and promo to do.
Normani and Dinah were sitting at a table eating when I walked in. I grabbed a plate and dished myself up some fruit as well as some scrambled eggs and sat down with the two at the table.
"What was up with Camila last night?" Normani asked Dinah and I.
"What do you mean?" Dinah pretended to know nothing about the situation at all.
"I mean... I'm pretty sure I heard her crying last night."
"Oh. No I fell asleep straight away."
The door to the catering room opened, Camila walked through with a black hood pulled over her head covering half of her face. She grabbed a plate in her right hand and walked over to the food. She placed the plate down and used her right arm to get the amount of eggs that she wanted and held her left arm into her body, almost cradling it. She slowly walked over to the far table across the room stumbling with her plate as she tried to slide the chair out with her foot. She eventually sat down and held her head down as she pushed the food around on her plate with her fork.
I slid my chair out and walked over to the small girl leaning over her plate.
"Hey Camz. You okay?" She didn't answer me.
I pulled the chair out opposite her and sat down. I looked at her face for any response but her hood covered her eyes and most of her face.
"Camz? Look at me." She still didn't look up.
Sighing, I placed my fingertips under her chin and lifted her head.
I was met with the saddest picture I have ever seen.
Her nose was bloody and bruised. Red and raw, like she had been beaten to a pulp. Purple bruises appeared underneath her eyes leading down to her nose.
"What the hell happened?!" I grabbed her hand and lead her from the room and down the hallway to the bathroom.
"Camz talk to me. Who did this to you?" She limped over to the basin and tried to pull herself up to sit on the white bench.
She winced in pain and grabbed her stomach with her right hand. Noticing her discomfort I helped her sit on top of the bench. I pulled her hood down revealing her long hair and the many bruises covering her face. My fingers found their way to her eyes and traced over the dark shapes underneath them.
"It was Austin." She still continued to hold her left arm against her body.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?" She nodded as a tear spilled down her cheek.
She lifted her shirt uncovering more bruises patched across her stomach.
"Hhh...What's wrong with you arm?" I rolled her sleeve up inspecting her arm. It looked out of shape to say the least.
"Camz I think this is broken. I need to take you to the hospital." I looked into her watery eyes.
"No no please not again?"
"What do you mean not again? When did you last go to hospital?"

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