Chapter 4-

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Today we have a day off because we had been having some technical difficulties so the show had been postponed to two days away. For me that was a relief. I would normally still be happy asleep until like 12, then I'd do something with the girls. But today is different. Today is my first treatment of chemotherapy. This should be fun.

I tied my hair up and grabbed my jacket heading for the door when I heard a voice behind me.

"Ahhmmm." It was Dinah and Lauren.

"Ugh hi guys." I turned walking back into the middle of the room. The two girls were sitting on the couch watching a disney movie.

"Yeah hi. Where you off to Mila?" Dinah raised her eyebrow at me.

"Umm...just out. I'll see you later on."

"Well we were all going to hang out and watch movies today." Lauren pouted at me.

"Oh, uhh sorry I have to be somewhere like right now sorry." I turned leaving before hey could try to turn my story inside out.

I walked across the concrete slabbed bus parking lot, noticing someone in the distance. It looked at lot it can't be, she's meant to be in London!

I smiled at her and took of tearing across the distance. When I neared her I leaped into her arm's.

"Hailee omg what are you doing here?!" I pulled back out of her embrace.

"Well...Lauren called me. Listen I was coming anyway. You can't go through this alone Mila." She turned and wrapped her right arm over my shoulders. "So where's your appointment? Let's go." She didn't even let me get a word in because she knew I was going to put up an argument.

I can't do this...that's all that was going through my mind. Hailee was sitting right next to me on the chair next to the clinic bed. She must have sensed my nerves as she squeezed slid her chair over and grabbed my hand, squeezing it lightly.

I looked away from my right arm as I felt the prick of the needle in my arm. Minutes later I could feel the cold feeling drizzle down my vein.

We walked back to the buses in silence.

"So how are you feeling?" She stopped me before we reached my bus.

"Ugh. Just tired and I don't know how to describe it. Just sore and drained." A pain rushed to my head. Rubbing my temple I closed my eye's for a second.

"Let's get you inside. Come on." She wrapped her arm around my waist guiding me towards the bus door. "Oh and since I'm guessing you haven't told the girls get, i'll take that bracelet off for you." She unclipped the clinic patient band around my wrist.


We had just finished out 4th movie of the day and were just grabbing some more popcorn and returning to watch 'The Amazing Sider Man', when the door opened and two people entered.

"Hi Hailee!" We all rushed over hugging her.

She smiled and greeted us all before moving further onto the bus. Camila followed her path but with no smile on her face. God she looked pale.

"So we were just about to sit down and watch another movie wanna join?" I directed my question at Camila.

"Ummm..." she hesitated. "Yeah ok." She reluctantly gave in and followed all of the girls back into the room where we had everything set up.

Dianh and Ally sat down next to each other on the couch, whilst Normani sat next to Ally. Hailee squeezed next to Dinah resting her legs across the three girls next to her.

Seeing that there was no space left I grabbed some blankets and pillows laying them down on the floor before sitting down and leaning against Dinah's legs. Camila sluggishly pulled herself down next to me resting her head in the crook of my neck.

Ally pressed play on the DVD remote and tossed it down next to her.

I felt Camila move in closer to me and wrap her arms around my body as the movie started to play. She's so adorable. Within around 10 minutes of the movie, I could feel her body relax and put her full weight on me.

She had fallen asleep.

I didn't want to wake her up so I just left her sleeping peacefully on my shoulder as we watched the rest of the movie. When the credits finally started playing I looled back at the girls on the couch and all but Dinah was awake. I caught Hailee staring at Camila in my arms on the floor. She looked worried.

"Alright, I guess I better put Camz into her bed." Slowly standing up I gently picked Camila up in my arms and carried her into the bunks placing her down on her bed, being weary of waking her up. I pulled her blanket over her cold body and tucked her in slightly.

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