Chapter 9-

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That was weird.

It was like she couldn't concentrate through that entire Q&A. Sure her voice sounded the same during the songs, she hit every note she had to, but something wasn't right. It wasn't the joyful Camila that I had come to known.

Her personality had taken a 180 from 4 minutes ago. She had a blank expression plastered on her pale face.

She had been like this for the past couple of days, since she disappeared and returned with Hailee hours later. As far as I know none of us girls had really spent much time with her lately because she was well...shutting us out and avoiding us. She wasn't talking to us much unless it was something to do with music, and when it was we hardly got much of a response out of her anyway.

"Hey Camz?" I sped up almost breaking out into a jog joining her at the front of the group.

She spun around and sighed.

"Mind if we talk for a sec?" I went to hold her in the middle of her arm but she sort of flinched and dropped it to her side.

She shrugged her shoulder's and let the other girl's pass. I looked to see them all giving me positive gesture's towards Camila.

They have all noticed her different behavior lately as well.

As soon as the group were out of hearing range I looked back into the young girl's stunning brown eye's.

"What's going on?" I was fairly blunt with my tone of voice.

"Nothing." She just shook her head.

I let out a laugh.

"You seriously expect me to believe that?"

"I-I..." She stuttered.

"Come on Camz. Talk to me." I placed my hand's on her shoulder's.

She immediately looked down to the ground as if she couldn't look me in the eye's and lie to my face.

I moved my right hand, slowly placing my fingers on her chin lifting her face. Her eye's looked sad and miserable. I-I just can't take the pain of knowing she is hurting and there's nothing I can do about it because I don't know what's going on.

A really light shade of green suddenly mixed with the white paleness of her face.

"I feel-" All of a sudden she went limp and dropped to the ground with a thud.

She had fainted, hitting her head on the concrete floor.

"CAMZ?!" Gently laying her down on the floor I cupped her face in my hands and shook her head slightly, a small puddle of blood seeping through her hair on the side of her skull.

I covered my hand over the patch of blood and screamed out frantically to the girls.

The girls came rushing back into the room crowding around me and Camila who was lying motionlessly on the hard flooring.

"What happened?!" Ally knelt down on the right side of Camila's body.

"I-I don't know! One minute we were talking then she just collapsed and hit her head on the concrete!" I removed my hand from her head to reveal the sticky sensation from the gooey blood smeared all over my hand as well as the side of her head.

"Shit Mila! Let's get her to our dressing room!" Dinah bent down and gently slipped her arms underneath Camila's small body and lifted her up into the air. She tilted back with Camila leaning in against her so she wouldn't fall in her arms.

Word had gotten around pretty quick about Camila's incident by the time we got to the dressing room.

Dinah slowly lowered Camz down to the utterly uncomfortable couch up against the wall letting her fall softly from her arms.

I knelt down next to her and gently stroked her arm, she as still unconscious.

From the corner of my eye I saw Ally rush across the room and rummaging through a small black zip bag, grabbing some cotton pads. She made her way over to the couch and joined me kneeling next to Camila's head.

She pushed the cotton pads against the side of Camila's head putting pressure on the wound to try and stop the bleeding.

"Is she going to be okay?" I turned to Ally with worry written all over my face.

"I don't know. We'll just have to wait for her to wake up." She ran her finger's through Camila's hair before caressing her face.

Minute's later and Camila was still lying there unconscious when Demi and Hailed stumbled into the room in a fuss.

"Is she okay?!" I looked up to Demi and Hailed talking in unisen joining Ally and I next to Camila.

I nearly jumped to my feet when I felt my hand resting on the side of the couch cushion being faintly squeezed.

I shot my head around to see her eye's fluttering open. She groaned in pain trying to sit up straight away.

"Woah woah! Take it slow Mila!" Ally's hands quickly found they're way to Camila's shoulder's in an attempt to slow her down.

"Uhhhh w-what happened?" She was pretty groggy. Closing her eye's every so often as she reclaimed her bearing's. She looked around at all the face's crowded around her.

"You collapsed Camz." My hand some how made it's way to her face. Her cheeks were really warm, unless that's just because my hand's were cold?

My eye's were stuck staring into hers, just trying to pull her eyesight into my gaze.

But she turned to Demi and Hailed at her side.

"Mila your not performing tonight." Ally stood up and helped Camila to her feet.

She swayed on her feet grabbing ahold of my arm I had extended to her.

"WHAT?! I'm fine." She turned to Ally and was almost pleading to her to let her perform tonight.

"No." Ally's voice was stern but she needed to be strict otherwise Camila wouldn't listen to her at all.

"Are you serious?!" Camila was shocked that Ally had shut her down. I could tell she was getting mad, but she was I too much pain to start a fight so she just shook her head at Ally.

There was a complete silence.

"She's right Camz. Look at your head. You can barely stand up on your own. Your not performing." I put my foot down before she got any crazy idea's like sneaking on the stage when we were not looking.

"You can't tell me what to do!"

I opened my mouth to talk but Demi cut me off.

"But I can. This is my tour and if you aren't physically fit to perform you won't be stepping one foot on that stage. Is that clear?" Thank you Demi.

Camila looked at her sadly and sighed. "Fine." She looked angry. And not just at me too.

We set Camz up on the tour bus with popcorn, blanket's and a whole bunch of movie's to watch.

"Hey I'll stay until I have to go on." Demi offered.

"Oh yeah if you don't mind?" Ally hugged Demi.

"Yeah I'm already ready for the show so..." She turned to Camz who was lying on the couch already eating the popcorn.

The side's of Camila's lips turned upwards.

"Thanks." I smiled at Demi.

I wasn't really willing to leave Camz alone after everything that happened tonight. But Demi somehow gave me the reassurance I needed to go out there and perform without my Camila.

Then it suddenly hit me...

We had to perform without her.

It just won't be the same Fifth Harmony concert experience without the fifth member.

I sighed.

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