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'Shit' is the first word you can think of, when you stand in front of the familiar wooden door while biting your bottom lip anxiously. Maybe it's the fact that the last you've been here, you came to apologize and probably embarrassed yourself as well. However, instead of bringing a lemon cake with you, you brought a bottle of champagne for needed celebration. It was only two days ago when you've seen one of the biggest smile of relief on Namjoon's face. You still remember the way he walked to your desk with deep dimple in his cheek, grinning at you happily.

"I did it, the article is finished!" he said happily, causing you to react automatically with a hug. When you realized what you've done, you were about to pull away quickly with red cheeks but surprisingly, he pulled you even closer. So close, that your nose was pressed against the shirt covering his upper body, which smelled from his faint cologne and you wanted nothing more than just bury your nose in it. It smelled too good.

He mentioned you that he wants to celebrate it, so he invited you and Seokjin to come to his place and celebrate it with him. Of course, you agreed. How could you not when he was so happy and insisted on celebrating it. With no more further thoughts, you simply knock and wait for him to open the door, not trying to overthink your decision about coming here.

And when he finally opens the door, you're amazed how good he looks in dark blue button up, which is unbuttoned by one more button than usual, showing you the peek of his collarbones. He paired with black tight jeans which hugs his thighs perfectly, causing you to wonder if he always had such a nice thighs. Gosh, that's such a weird thing to say, you think as you meet his eyes. There's a warm and welcoming smile on his face as he throws the kitchen cloth over his shoulder, inviting you in.

"Sorry for the mess, you came early." he says, once he leads you to his spacious kitchen where is a set of vegetable and meat on his kitchen counter. Pans and pots are all over the island counter and from the looks of it, it looks like he is cooking tonight.

"I did?" you ask surprisingly, looking at the clock on his wall just to find out that you really did. You were rushing home to take a shower and find the perfect outfit that doesn't scream 'I'm trying too hard'. You decided on tight denim jeans and white button up, similar to Namjoon one.

"Don't worry about it, I could use some company." he smiles and turns to you with his back, cutting something. You gulp, biting the inside of your cheek as you take this chance to eye his back, eyes slowly following down to his perky ass.

Stop eye fucking him, Y/N, you remind yourself. I'm not eye fucking, I'm just observing, you think as you advert your eyes on the fruit bowl in front of you. "Seokjin should come any minute, he wasn't picking up."

"He's not coming." Namjoon says calmly, your brows furrowed straight away.

"What? Why?"

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