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Jin's message (or more like messages) have haunted you the whole night. While Namjoon seemed to sleep peacefully, a soft snores leaving his mouth, you stared at the plain ceiling until your mind couldn't take it and you fell asleep. However, even in your dreams you couldn't rest properly and your dreams were filled with different scenarios. The worst thing about it is that all of them included angry Jin and Namjoon's bruised face.

You're not sure what Jin would do if he knew. Would he punch Joon? Would he yell at the both of you? Would he be mad if you just told him the truth?

A part of you wants to yell in his face, tell him that yes you like his best friend and there's nothing he can do about it. The other part is aware of Jin's and Namjoon's friendship and how it could affect not just their friendship, but your relationship with Jin.

You want to tell him eventually. That's what you and Namjoon agreed on.

However, you need to plan it and make sure you tell him at the right time. Something tells you there never will be the right time.

Over breakfast, you spilled everything about Seokjin's messages to Namjoon, freaking out. At least one of you kept their cool and that one of you has been Namjoon, of course. He assured you everything will be fine.

Even though you were freaking out, nicely said, you remained cool in the message and simply replied to him you'll explain everything to him later. He seemed a little skeptical but he let it go, thankfully, but that didn't mean it eased your mind. Not a bit.

"Are you still thinking about Jin?" Namjoon sighs at the other end of the circled table, seeing you poking your pasta for the hundredth time within five minutes.

It's your lunch break. Namjoon kindly offered to take you out for lunch, quickly getting you out of the building before anyone else could join you. Still, he has to keep his hands to himself. You can't risk anyone to know about the two of you. Not until you'll make it official and tell it to Jin.

"I'm sorry," you whine, pouting a bit as Namjoon gives you an empathetic smile.

"Don't apologize," he tells you softly, "I'm just as freaked out as you are. But we'll think of something."

You look at him, giving him the best smile you can muster as you allow yourself to enjoy the food. You're ruining the mood not just to you, but to the gentleman in front of you as well.

Well, three days later and you didn't think of something.

You're fucked as far as you know.

You successfully dodged Seokjin's attempts to visit you during the week, saying you have actual work which he always respected knowing how serious you take your work. But when Friday has finally come, you couldn't decline his offer to hang out without making it suspicious. So you agreed.

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