Chapter 2 - Revelations (Part 1)!!!

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The Episode Starts with.....

Everyone stood there unable to understand what was happening and what was Vansh trying to say!! Riddhima was clueless but which made her happy was he was beside her and stood for her.

Vansh: I know about Riddhima since long!! Yes I knew her reality long back. I have seen her transforming from a spy to my wife, the daughter – in – law of this house. She was a spy and is my wife now! There's difference. I got to know her truth before I jumped off the cliff but as everyone even I didn't trust her and wanted revenge. After the fall when I met Angre, I asked him to gather all the information about Riddhima and the updates he used to give me proved me wrong. I realised how cruel I was to not trust Riddhima!!! The one who always put everyone before anyone else, the one who always loved me and my family even when we spread hatred in her life. She always stood for us but we never did the same for her. We always blamed her. But after learning the truth I was devastated for my doings! I couldn't forgive myself!!

He turned around to see Riddhima staring him with pain and love flowing from her eyes in form of tears!! He bent towards her and wiping her tears,

Vansh: No Riddhima! No tears!!!

He stared at everyone who were giving him blank expressions!

Vansh: You all wanted to know what happened! This Riddhima whom you have been abusing sacrificed her life twice to save me. That day when Vansh: Kabir showed me proofs that Riddhima handed him all the evidences against me I felt betrayed. I couldn't digest that the one whom I love has betrayed me and that hit me hard and so I messaged Angre to follow my phone location and I was on call when I jumped off the cliff and Angre was all prepared to save me and with his help I was rescued. But what kept disturbing me was the eyes if Riddhima which I saw while jumping off the cliff! That eyes weren't lying about her love for me but yet Kabir's words echoed in my mind and I in fit of rage I asked Angre to collect evidence against Riddhima but what we got shook us to the core. The misconceptions which we had were erased with the proofs we gathered. So, I asked Angre to help Riddhima without her knowledge as... as her life had danger!!! Angre as per my instructions was helping her indirectly! Every time he made sure he'll keep me posted and save her from the danger which would have took her life he wasn't saving her! Her love, her care, her emotions, her affections, her actions were all true and she was always on a mission to save this family of hers where there are people who hate her literally!! (eyeing Aryan, Chancal and Ishani) Everything started the day I jumped off the cliff, Angre took me into our hideout and he left towards home and mingled with you all as if he isn't aware of anything. He kept me posted of all the happenings from time to time! He informed me the state of every family member including Riddhima! How broke she was, her pain, he state! I couldn't believe what he told me because I was sure Riddhima betrayed me by handing the proofs against me to Kabir, she even kidnapped Ragini and is the reason for Siya's condition. I couldn't stop myself from hurting Riddhima and taking my revenge for hurting me and my family! That night what Angre updated me confused me!

(Flashback Starts)

Vansh was in his hideout where doctors were doing his first aid for his injuries, when Angre returned

Vansh: Angre what's the news?

Angre: Everyone is broke with the news of your death! Dadi almost collapsed and Anupriya Ji has covered your death as an attack of some goons. Ishani is broke and is cursing herself while Siya has slipped into coma!

Vansh: I know they all might be going through tough phase because they love me. I even understand why Mom might have told that story so that she can save my unreal image of killing Ragini from family. But because of that women am giving such pain to my family! How could she even think of escaping by betraying me!! Am Vansh Rai Singhania and I hate betrayers!! She needs to face the pain of betraying me! And I'll make sure she does!! (anger) Because of her today my family is suffering and my sister in coma! I will never let her live-in peace. She deserves worse!!

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