Chapter 4 - Revelations (Part 3)!!!

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The Episode Starts with....

Vansh POV:

I know my Riddhima, she'll reach me and see she did soon. The surprise, shock, petrified expressions in her eyes show me how she missed my presence. But trust me sweetheart I didn't want to give you this pain but its needed to save our family and you from Kabir and Anupriya. I hope you'll forgive me when you learn the truth.

He saw Riddhima who was now staring him with affection and hope, though he didn't want to break her this trance he did it to work on his plan.

Vansh: Who Vansh? Am Vihaan. One second... aren't you the same girl whom I saved previous day? Am I Right... or Am I Right!!

Riddhima was trying to figure out difference between him and Vansh. she stood there not speaking anything. Vansh as Vihaan was self-appreciating himself to avoid giving her a chance to doubt him.

Vihaan: I accept your eyes are beautiful that doesn't mean you get a chance to stare me this way. Now if you could please leave I have much work to do.

Saying so he led her out and closed door on her face. He turning around

Vansh: Am sorry to give you trouble but this is needed. We shall be together soon but till then please do take care of yourself and family.

Riddhima reaches VR Mansion and is constantly thinking of Vansh and Vihaan. She's walking in the living room when Kabir from another direction collides with her making the vermillion plate in his hand falling down and the sindhoor in it falls on Riddhima's hairline. She stares at him in shock and disbelief, while he gives a smirk. Before he could do or say anything he received a tight slap on his cheek making him furious and he turned to see Riddhima slapping him with hatred, anger and disbelief in her eyes. Now someone else had a smirk and it was Vansh who was witnessing all that through the secret cameras.

Vansh: You shouldn't have messed with Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania. You forgot she is fire. She'll burn you if you even enter her vicinity. Impressed sweetheart.

By now everyone gathered into the living room, Kabir was eying Riddhima with anger pouring from his eyes,

Riddhima: What the hell Kabir! Have you forgot your limits?

Kabir: Am sorry, was going to the temple and mistakenly collided with you.

Riddhima: Some mistakes can't be forgiven never ever.

Dadi: Beta he is accepting his mistake. Let it go.

Riddhima gave a disgusting look to Kabir and left towards her room and was washing the vermillion when Kabir came and blackmailed her to accept his proposal of marrying him within 6 hours. She was shocked the way he gave her an ultimatum. There was someone else too who was burning in rage, it was Vansh, his anger had no bounds. Kabir dared to blackmail and hurt his Riddhima, so Vansh is not someone who'd stay calm. Angre who just entered Vansh's hideout saw Vansh's anger and tried to calm him.

Vansh: How dare he Angre! How dare he! He's trying to marry my Riddhima and is blackmailing her. I'll show him his place.

Vansh was about to move in haste when was stopped by Angre.

Angre: Boss, please clam down. Do you think if you go in front of them then they'll leave you? No!! They'll plan something else. We need to think before we react. I can understand what you might be going through. But we have our plan and I think we need to follow that.

Vansh: You want me to sit and see my Riddhima getting married to that Kabir?

Angre: No boss I didn't mean that! In fact, even I'll never let that happen. But you going in front of them is risky.

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