Chapter 9 - Riddhima's Pain!!!

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The Episode Starts with....

Orphanage Hostel,

Sejal was jumping in excitement and happiness while Riddhima was stunned and wasn't in a position to react. She wasn't actually understanding what was happening or what happened! She was puzzled. She was confused.

Riddhima: .... .... Vansh accepted me as his wife. ..... Vansh gave me my identity. Vansh accepted he loves me. ...... Vansh rejected Ahana for me. Vansh showed Ahana and Kabir there place for me! ...... Vansh did all this for me!!! (crying)

Sejal: Arrey buddu yes he did all this for you. He gave everything he snatched from you.

Riddhima (sobbing): He accepted he loves me in front of whole world! He accepted he committed mistake. He accepted he hurt me. He accepted.... (trying to breath) .... He accepted am his wife. He accepted he hurt me.... He accepted he broke me!!! He asked for forgiveness.... He asked for apologies!!!

Sejal: Arrey Riddhima he accepted his mistakes. Not only Vansh in fact whole family accepted they misunderstood you and are asking for forgiveness. Why are you yet unable to believe! Look Riddhima I accept they hurt you but even you need to understand that whatever he did was for your protection and nothing else. In fact, I think you need to forgive them. They deserve a chance.


"How can you say this Sejal! They broke me. They hurt me. Vansh whom I loved with whole dedication insulted my love, I accept it was all his plan but that doesn't give him right to hurt/ play my emotions and feelings. I accept he apologised but that doesn't mean I'll forget everything and get back to him. I always compromised on my self – respect just for the sake of love I have for him and his family. But now I don't think I can do this. That Riddhima who loved Vansh immensely is dead (crying). That Riddhima who got a family is no more now. That Riddhima who always strived for love and family now feels all that is a fantasy world. Maybe my life was in stake because of Ahana and Kabir but does it give Vansh the right to dis own me? I loved him and sacrificed my everything for him and his family and what did I get in return? Disrespect! Insult!!! Hatred!! And names such as Gold – Digger!!!! Don't I have feelings? Am I bot? It hurts Sejal!! It hurts. I never expected anything from him or his family. I had only wish that I have a family of mine. Because being an orphan I know how its to have no family. I wanted a family for myself but even after all these months I didn't get that. Vansh who was my everything one day he snatches my everything including my identity and I suddenly become an unknown person for them. The reason that he was doing all this for my safety doesn't justify his acts. (collapsed on ground) I accept our marriage wasn't any normal wedding but that doesn't mean I won't be respected or I don't deserve respect. I accepted the relation with him and his family but I dint find the same happening with me. They never accepted me. I was a pawn or should I say a game which was played by number of persons depending on the situation or person. My feelings were nothing for him or his family. They never trusted me. I don't think they do that even now. They are just guilty for their behaviour towards me. They aren't sorry for the pain they gave me. They are guilty and there's difference between being Guilty and Feeling sorry. In these 6 months of marriage, I compromised on my self – respect but I can't do that anymore I wanted a transparent relationship and this is not what I wanted. I accept today whole family stood for me. The way Ishani hugged Vansh proves that they were against him just because they thought he was about to give my right to Ahana but will it heal the wounds they gave me in these 6 months? In this relationship there isn't any trust. And you want me to forget my pain and reconcile with them so easily?"

Riddhima was by now in tears continuously crying and Sejal too was sobbing seeing her best friends state.

Sejal: Am sorry Riddhima. My intentions weren't to hurt you. I just wanted to see you happy and as you love Vansh I thought you'd be happy with him.

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