Chapter 12 - Wish Fulfilled

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The Episode Starts with....

"Riddhima yaar!!" It was Vansh! Poor he!!

Riddhima: Vaaanshh!!!! Am sorry! I thought it's some intruder. You could have spoken right! (worried). Now show me your eyes

Vansh (writhing in burning sensation): Seriously Riddhima!! Will I get any dream that you'll attack me this way! And now you are scolding me.

Riddhima: Acha am sorry!! Now try to open your eyes

Vansh: Am unable to!

Riddhima (worry): Is it hurting?

Vansh: What do you think am enjoying!!

Riddhima: Cant you stay calm for a while!! Is it necessary to bring sarcasm in every discussion?

Vansh: Yaar Riddhima will you just scold me or treat my pain! It's hurting

Riddhima: Sorry, sorry!!! Come with me I'll apply ice cubes it'll soothe your pain.

She took him to her room and she ran to get ice cubes from kitchen and started applying it steadily, she was blowing air to soothe his burning sensation. Vansh was adoring how worried she was for him even when she says she doesn't love him. Her breath was relieving him from all the pain he was in. He was adoring those cute little black eyes which were carrying tears for him, her round pink lips were blowing air and he was staring at her in admiration. Riddhima backed out after applying the cubes and stared at Vansh

Riddhima: Vansh you ok now?

Vansh: Yes don't worry am fine. There's yet some burning sensation, I think it'll fade away no issues.

Riddhima: How will I not worry! Look at yourself, your eyes are swollen and you are speaking you are fine (anger)

Vansh was mesmerized in her care when she inched closer to her and then was applying ice cubes to relieve his burning feel. He wanted her to get much closer to himself and placed his hand on her thighs. She could feel his breaths falling on her, his eyes were struggling to be half open, she could feel his touch on her thighs and was lost in that touch for which her heart was waiting eagerly. But then reality played its move and she backed out realising she was close to him. Vansh realised that she's uncomfortable, he decided to give some time to her and

Vansh: Riddhima, I'll leave

He was about to go when a hand stopped him and he turned to see Riddhima holding his wrist with anger in her eyes

Riddhima: What do you think of yourself? Cant you understand you are hurt and how would you drive back with these swollen eyes. You aren't even able to open your eyes completely and you'd go home in this state!! Like seriously Vansh! Have you lost it???

Vansh was smiling seeing her care for him.

Vansh (thinking): You claim you are broken and yet you cant see the person who gave you pain in pain. You are a pure soul Riddhima. Am a fool to hurt you. I was an idiot to hurt you, to break you. I know you love me immensely yet I hurt you. I am a beast right!! I'll get you back sweetheart this is your Vansh's promise but this time not to hurt or break you but instead to preserve you. You are precious to me and I'll make sure you get all the happiness you deserve.

Riddhima snapped her fingers to get Vansh from his dreams

Vansh: .... Ha....

Riddhima: What ha? Am asking you to stay back for tonight

Vansh: Its ok Riddhima I'll leave. I can manage

Riddhima: Am not asking your permission but am declaring my decision (stern)

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