Chapter 10 - Test of Love!!!

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The Episode Starts with....


Riddhima: Sejal what happened? What's there in that note now? What does Kabir want more! One second!! If he is there in VR Mansion, then who was that who wanted us to watch this? And if it was some Kabir's aid who was following his instructions but when Kabir isn't in a position to give any instructions as he's arrested then who's note is this?? Sejal will you speak something?

Sejal: Riddhima come here!!!

Riddhima was worried and when she entered balcony she saw Sejal staring in the sky. Riddhima didn't understand and snatching the note form her hand Riddhima read it

"Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania, will you please do the honour of lifting your head up towards the sky!!"

Riddhima stared at the sky and her jaws fell open in shock

"The sky was filled with many balloons and among them a flight which carried a sorry note (Am Sorry Sweetheart) behind it and another flight released smoke in form of I Love You" Riddhima was shocked to see all that in front of her and for her.

Sejal was jumping in excitement

Sejal: Riddhima that's for you!! He arranged everything so beautifully for your forgiveness. OMG!!! He's so romantic. Isn't he!!!

Riddhima (surprised): .... Did he.... do all this for me!!....

In VR Mansion too everyone was witnessing the sky show and while everyone were in awe.

Riddhima heard a voice which broke her trance

"Yes Sweetheart that's all for you to seek your forgiveness"!!!

Sejal and Riddhima tried to find the source of sound and suddenly they see a drone flying up towards their room and they realize the voice is from it. Riddhima was freaking and was turning around to look at the TV to understand what's happening and to her utter shock her doubt was right! It was Vansh who flew the drone in to her room and Riddhima ran into the room to find her reactions being played in the screen and reporters reporting it. Riddhima felt uneasy and her tears were back and she gave a disgusting look at the drone and then ran swiftly into the washroom and locked herself followed by Sejal knocking on the door

Vansh: Riddhima am sorry!!!!!

Ishani: Bhai I think we need to go!!!

Vansh: Angre!!!!

Angre: Got it boss!! (turning towards reporters) The press meet is done, now if you could excuse us.!!!

He showed them the way and once they made sure all left, Vansh along with family rushed towards her hostel.

Vansh (thinking): Am coming sweetheart! Your Vansh is coming to get you back

Its 11am, Hostel,

Sejal: Riddhima please open the door. It's been a lot of time since you locked yourself. Look Warden Ma'am is also here and drone has left too! Open it!!! And before you misunderstand Vansh let me tell you that warden ma'am wasn't kidnapped and she informed me that it was his plan to make sure you watch the press conference so he took Ma'am into consideration to plan all this. Now will you please for god sake open the door and speak something? Riddhima please!!!!

Sejal was tired trying to pacify Riddhima. Riddhima was adamant and was confused. She was hurt and upon this the way Vansh tricked her in seeing the conference and the drone hurt her more. She was weeping inconsolably locking herself in washroom. Then they heard a knock

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