Chapter 11 - Will you be Mine?

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The Episode Starts with....

Riddhima was strolling in the event adoring the bouquet and was smiling at herself. When she felt a pat on her shoulder and she freaked out and turned around to find Sejal

Sejal: Riddhima, where were you? I have been searching you. And (pointing towards the bouquet) what's this?

Riddhima (blushing): Actually, ... this ....

"I gave it to her" Sejal and Riddhima turned towards the vice to find Vansh standing stern. Sejal realised she is supposed to act in front of Riddhima

Sejal: Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania, why are you behind her even after she refused to come back with you. why are you bothering her! And one second, why are you here and how?

Vansh: Ms. Sejal am Vansh Rai Singhania, the business tycoon and there won't be an event without me. So, me being here shouldn't be a surprise. And am here for someone else and not you so if you could excuse us

Sejal: Mr. she's my friend and am not going to leave her alone with someone who'll hurt her. You hurt her a lot and now trying to pacify her won't help.

Riddhima: Sejal leave it. Let it go

Vansh: Look even your friend is asking you to leave so please excuse us!

Before Sejal could answer back,

"Ma'am we need you there" Sejal's assistant called her and Vansh smirked

Vansh: Please now you being a party planner you are needed somewhere and don't worry about your friend am here.

Sejal gave a disgusting look to Vansh and then turning towards Riddhima

Sejal: Riddhima am sorry I need to go! I'll try to be back soon. You take care.

Riddhima: Sejal its ok you go. I'll manage

Sejal left and reaching the corner of the area she winked at Vansh and even he did it thanking her, she smiled and left

Vansh: Riddhima ...

Riddhima: Vansh please not now!! Am tired! I don't want to hear anything.

Vansh: Riddhima I was asking will you join me for dinner. I can see you are hungry. So, come!

Riddhima hesitated but then something strikes Vansh

Vansh: Riddhima the reason for your pain is all the incidents which occurred right!! Then why don't we start afresh! I mean we can start everything from beginning.

Riddhima: What do you mean? (irritated)

Vansh: Look sweetheart, from beginning in our relationship, you proved yourself, you proved your love too right so now it's my turn and I'll impress you and win you once again. This is going to be my test to prove my love for you. So, I would like to start from today and as I have already impressed you as you are carrying my roses. And from tomorrow you'll see another form of your Vansh who'll go to any extent to prove his love for you. But before that as the day isn't complete I'd like to introduce myself and then take you on a date. So!!

Vansh: Hello am Vansh Rai Singhania

He forwarded his hand for a shake. Riddhima was confused as this concept felt interesting and she wanted to see till what extent he can go for her love and thought of giving it a chance.

Riddhima (shaking his hand): Riddhima!!

Vansh: So, Ms. Riddhima, would you like to join me for dinner?

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