Chapter 8 - Truth Out!!!

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The Episode Starts with....

VR Mansion,

Kabir and Ahana smirk listening to the word will.

Kabir (thinking): Woah!!! Finally, my aim is going to be fulfilled!! Thank god Riddhima isn't here, if she was here then my plan would have been foiled. But I need to appreciate it! As soon as Riddhima left, Vansh turned insane and is destroying himself with his own hands. I just want to whistle aloud to express my happiness. Only am aware of how hard am trying to control my excitement!!!!


"So, after observing past incidents, I decided to declare my will in presence of whole world so that if at all in future something happens to me or my family then you can decide who are the culprits. I know you might be wondering from whom does my family have enmity or danger. I'll reveal that soon but before that let me declare my will. So, out of all that I have, I'd like to give 60% of my property to my family i.e., dadi, Ishani, her unborn kid, Siya, Angre (my brother), Aryan, chachi and chachu. And coming to 40% is for me and my wife (eyes Ahana). If at all something happens to me, my wife or my family, then there share of property would go to our Trust. And these properties are non – transferable until they are alive. This is for the security and protection to my family."

All were stunned including Ahana and Kabir.

Ishani: Angre what the hell is this! What's bhai speaking of!!

Angre: Ishani even am wondering why is bhai doing this and about what danger he's speaking of!!

Siya: Danger is beside him. Ahana and Kabir the main danger to us and our family but bhai isn't realising it.

Dadi: He transferred 40% on her name and now am worried for his safety.

Angre: But one thing is to be appreciated

Ishani: And what's that?

Angre: Bhai has made sure the property is non – transferable and if anything happens any one among the family then its transferred to trust that means no one has any right on it.

Siya: Jeeju is right this will foil the plans of our enemies who thought they can attack us and grab our property.


Riddhima: What's he talking about! I accept the concept of non – transferable and trust concept but what danger is he speaking of when he's hugging the danger and giving official license for the danger to hurt everyone!!!

VR Mansion,

Kabir (thinking): Oh God!!! Now, we have only 40% but that too cant be transferred! Whatever may happen I can never get the property on my name!!! it'll be on Ahana's name and that too until Vansh is there and after him it'll go to trust! This is so not taken. In this way I can never reach my goal. Why is he doing this and what's the hidden meaning in his this aspect!!

Reporter 1: Sir if that's the case then in this way once the person dies then the property cant be inherited by their next generation right!

Reporter 3: We didn't get your message clearly

Vansh (laughing):

"I know I know!!! You all might be having many questions regarding my step but let me make it clear that all this is valid until the danger on my family fades away and after that there will be slighter changes to the will. And that too will happen only with my signature and if I give my consent. I hope I clarified your doubts! (wink). So, coming back to the topic, I am doing this because my family is in danger and to save them this is needed. I know many are eager to know what's that problem am speaking of but before revealing that I'd like to call my lovely wife onto the stage."

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